PTMC Intelligence Facility

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PTMC Intelligence Facility

Post by d3jake »

I have started a level (Single-Player) that hasn't gotten anywhere... It called \"PTMC Intellignce Facility\" and the whole point is probably going to be going in to find some information (like level 1, but there might be a twist...) And so far I have an Airlock (that I have to redo) that empties into a parking garage for the visitors center. Don't ask me why a Intelligence facility has a Visitors center...
I've created a parking bracket that will lead from the 'parking spots' which will be rooms using \"PTMC Cover F\" I believe... to hold the ships of the visitors. And that room I'll probably end up redoing too...

So I was wondering if any of you would have any ideas to throw my way, if not, that's okay.
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