Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:Please show me where anyone is "restricting" anyone from voting, be honest and lets not use talking points
it will be interesting to see where the SCOTUS falls, but historically, rules made by States to selectively make it more difficult for a certain group to vote are Unconstitutional. North Carolina's new regulations do so, IMHO, because the rural, minority voters have far less access to the means to get the types of ID accepted under the law. Also, many states have curtailed extended voting hours, which might not in any way be unconstitutional, but is a step backwards for a nation which has always expanded voter access to the polls.

Article 1 sdction 8

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; 

Interestingly, since the Marines and Coast Guard are off-shoots of the Navy, and the modern Air Force (even though planes were decades from being invented) was initially the Army Air Force, all five branches of the military are Constitutional.
of course they are, I didn't suggest that. What I DID suggest was that the founders wrote many rules out of an abject fear of a standing, permanent army. Rightly so, as they had lived through being victimized by a standing, government army, which included non-citizens. Yet, where are we in 2013? We have a massive, standing military with(wait for it) the inclusion of many non-citizens(I was shocked, frankly, when my nephew served 10 years or so back, how many South and Central American non-citizens were serving to get green cards). The reasons for this evolution are many, but at the core, there is no way the US of 2013 survives in the world dependant upon a citizen militia. Likewise, the nation has changed economically, socially, racially, ethnically, technologically and those changes are massive. Trying to peg 2013 realities to a 1784 mindset, or limitations is laughable. Yet, many try and do so, among them, the goofball who came up with 'Liberty Amendments'(of course the possibility that 2/3 of all states would ratify such stupidity within the legal time limit makes them a moot concept, so never mind......)
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Spidey wrote:I’m pretty sure Congress gave us the Patriot Act.
And Dubya was the idiot president who signed it into law. :twisted2:
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Spidey »

Well, at least you got that part right.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by CUDA »

callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:Please show me where anyone is "restricting" anyone from voting, be honest and lets not use talking points
it will be interesting to see where the SCOTUS falls, but historically, rules made by States to selectively make it more difficult for a certain group to vote are Unconstitutional. North Carolina's new regulations do so, IMHO, because the rural, minority voters have far less access to the means to get the types of ID accepted under the law. Also, many states have curtailed extended voting hours, which might not in any way be unconstitutional, but is a step backwards for a nation which has always expanded voter access to the polls.

Article 1 sdction 8

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; 

Interestingly, since the Marines and Coast Guard are off-shoots of the Navy, and the modern Air Force (even though planes were decades from being invented) was initially the Army Air Force, all five branches of the military are Constitutional.
of course they are, I didn't suggest that. What I DID suggest was that the founders wrote many rules out of an abject fear of a standing, permanent army. Rightly so, as they had lived through being victimized by a standing, government army, which included non-citizens. Yet, where are we in 2013? We have a massive, standing military with(wait for it) the inclusion of many non-citizens(I was shocked, frankly, when my nephew served 10 years or so back, how many South and Central American non-citizens were serving to get green cards). The reasons for this evolution are many, but at the core, there is no way the US of 2013 survives in the world dependant upon a citizen militia. Likewise, the nation has changed economically, socially, racially, ethnically, technologically and those changes are massive. Trying to peg 2013 realities to a 1784 mindset, or limitations is laughable. Yet, many try and do so, among them, the goofball who came up with 'Liberty Amendments'(of course the possibility that 2/3 of all states would ratify such stupidity within the legal time limit makes them a moot concept, so never mind......)
Slick you're missing the point ENTIRELY. I am not against a changing constitution. But do it as the constitution laid out. Do it by amendment. NOT by executive order, unconstitutional Czars, or ignoring of the laws. Washington has gotten too big, too powerful, and too full of it self. It is a nonfunctional monolith that is not currently answerable to anyone. The "liberty amendments" puts the power back where is was originally intended to be. With the States and the people.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Top Gun »

CUDA wrote:Glad you explained yourself..... we all understand so clearly why you disagree
I was hoping my insinuations about the specific time periods in question would suggest where I was going, but fair enough, I can actually spell it out. Let's take each of those statements I quoted at a time:
...and giving Congress the power to override Supreme Court opinions with a three-fifths vote, without risk of presidential veto. Three-fifths of the state legislatures can also join forces to knock down a Court decision.
Have you ever heard the phrase "tyranny of the majority" used? It's basically the idea that minority populations or views can easily be quashed by default in a system run on pure majority rule. Much of the Bill of Rights is devoting to protecting the minority against this "tyranny," and the Supreme Court is the branch of the federal government tasked with enforcing this against laws that violate it. (As an aside, the Constitution never spells out the concept of judicial review as such, though it's essentially implied by the wording in two different Articles. It wasn't until the landmark Marbury v. Madison decision in 1803 that the Supreme Court explicitly states its ability to declare laws unconstitutional. This was one of the main things I meant by saying that you have to look beyond the year 1787 to have a firm grasp on what's at stake here.)

Going through the history of the Supreme Court, which is really fascinating stuff to me at least, you can come up with literally dozens of notable examples of it overturning a law that violated the Constitutional rights of some minority position. One of the most famous includes a point when the Court initially got it wrong: in 1896, the Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that segregation in education based on race was constitutional, provided it followed the the principle of "separate but equal" facilities. Half a century later, Brown v. Board of Education reversed this, not stopping by saying that the facilities in the case in question were unequal, but making the sweeping declaration that the act of segregation itself was inherently unequal. It's very easy to imagine that the majority of both houses of Congress at the time might have disagreed with this decision, and if the proposal here had been instituted, a blatant injustice against African-Americans would have been allowed to continue. 60% is by no means a huge majority...whatever party was in power would essentially have carte blanche power over the Supreme Court, which stomps all over the system of checks and balances that the Framers wrote into the Constitution in the first place.
Two of the proposed Liberty Amendments are devastating blows against imperial federal power...and giving them a brief window of opportunity to strike down both congressional legislation and Executive Branch legislation.
Here's where the author of this proposal displays a rather staggering ignorance of American history, specifically the period between 1776 and 1787. The thing is, we've already tried almost exactly what this statement proposes. They were called the Articles of Confederation...and they were ★■◆●ing terrible. The federal government created under that system was so weak that individual states were essentially able to hold it hostage by vetoing anything that went against their own narrow self-interests, to the point where it was essentially unable to do anything. Allowing states to veto acts of Congress willy-nilly would produce the same exact results...those who fail to learn from history and so forth. The bottom line is that any decent argument for granting individual states power rivaling that of the collective federal government died 150 years ago or so.

(Note that these aren't the only things I find objectionable in the original quote, but they're what jumped right out at me and made me say, "Oh holy ★■◆● no.")
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:Slick you're missing the point ENTIRELY. I am not against a changing constitution. But do it as the constitution laid out. Do it by amendment. NOT by executive order, unconstitutional Czars, or ignoring of the laws. Washington has gotten too big, too powerful, and too full of it self. It is a nonfunctional monolith that is not currently answerable to anyone. The "liberty amendments" puts the power back where is was originally intended to be. With the States and the people.
sorry but as was pointed out above, that was NOT the intention of the Constitution. It was the intent of the Articles of Confederation and it failed miserably. Also, Washington is NOT currently answerable to no one. They answer to the people who pay the ticket for re-election, and they answer to the handful of people with power who really pay attention. And, they do so pretty consistently, when the chips are down.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by CUDA »


Tell that to the tea party, who's voice and rights were squashed during the last election cycle by those in Washington who have yet to answer for their actions.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by CUDA »

callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:Slick you're missing the point ENTIRELY. I am not against a changing constitution. But do it as the constitution laid out. Do it by amendment. NOT by executive order, unconstitutional Czars, or ignoring of the laws. Washington has gotten too big, too powerful, and too full of it self. It is a nonfunctional monolith that is not currently answerable to anyone. The "liberty amendments" puts the power back where is was originally intended to be. With the States and the people.
sorry but as was pointed out above, that was NOT the intention of the Constitution. It was the intent of the Articles of Confederation and it failed miserably. .

"The Purpose Of The Constitution

What the Constitution Does

The founding fathers established the Constitution to do just two things:

Establish a federal government for the United States of America.

Delegate to the federal government certain, limited (and enumerated) powers.

The Constitution was written by the thirteen original states. The federal government created by the states, via the Constitution, exists to serve the states. Until the states delegated some powers to the new federal government, those powers belonged to the states. The states, of course, delegated only some of their powers to the federal government while retaining most of their powers for themselves. It is important to recognize that the states are the "boss" of the federal government! The states "hired" the federal government and set forth the rules as to how it should operate. The Constitution is a list of those rules. Just as a manager is expected to enforce company rules to manage employees, it is the responsibility of the states to enforce the Constitution to manage the federal government. The Supreme Court, being itself part of the federal government, has an obvious conflict of interest. Yes, itpretends to enforce the Constitution against the Executive and Legislative branches, but who will "manage" the Supreme Court? Who will watch the watchers? The states are the rightful and logical enforcers of the Constitution."

It helps to keep this in mind in the discussion which follows.

That is why any amendments or "changes" to the constitution must be ratified or "approved" by the states. Because the states hold the power. NOT the federal government.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »


Tell that to the tea party, who's voice and rights were squashed during the last election cycle by those in Washington who have yet to answer for their actions.
.....and the tea party doesn't come CLOSE to representing the people I was talking about. Sure, there is some money behind them, but those folks are sort of pariahs to their fellow monied types(and monied types were who I was referring to).
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:That is why any amendments or "changes" to the constitution must be ratified or "approved" by the states. Because the states hold the power. NOT the federal government.
well, I'd say you are sort of right. The PEOPLE(read: the informed electorate) hold the power, not only at the state level, but in terms of elected representation in the Federal government. The Constitution wrote a big hunk of leeway into the matter of State power vs Federal in a couple of clauses, and the matter of State's rights have been fine tuned by SCOTUS rulings ever since.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:..The PEOPLE(read: the informed electorate) hold the power, not only at the state level, but in terms of elected representation in the Federal government....
And therein lies the big festering root of most of our problems. The electorate has allowed a monstrosity of a bureaucracy to be created to manage our affairs at the same time the level and quality of the electorates informed status has been diminished greatly. Leaving a fat lazy people to be manipulated by the power brokers who long ago seized the controls.

History shows what happens when you let a certain class (read: any group who holds itself elite) claim a 'right to governance' over the masses. It ends in nationwide bloodshed and revolution.

We need a shake up to avoid the destruction of the republic. Without a 'free press' (read: free from partisan agenda and free from influence by the elites) to shame the electorate into making better choices we are doomed.

So a "tea party" of sorts is an encouraging thing. It doesn't have to be the current Tea Party but a similar groundswell of rebellion to the electoral and representative process we have handicapped ourselves with is sorely needed!
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

Will, I somewhat agree with what you wrote, however, the real problem isn't in having an elite, so much as when the gap in economic well-being between the elite and everyone else gets too large. Fear of that exact thing has driven my politics for a couple of decades.......and those in the elite seem to not wish to hear it. The sad part is that many among the 'everyone else' don't get it, at all.....
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Nope, I think Will had it right at "right to governance over the masses". That's it in a nutshell. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with economics--that would be a symptom, if anything. As an ideal, American government exists solely for the purpose of doing the business of the people. It's purpose is not to rule us--even the dumbest of us--it is simply a delegation of the people that exists for the purpose of making civilized society possible.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

I'm not talking, Thorne, about 'ideals of American government', I'm talking about historical precedent, world-wide. Most coups, violent revolutions and development of dictatorships have grown out of situations where the gap between the economic elite and everyone else got too vast. Be it France in the early 19th century, Russia in the early 20th, on through recent times(Arab Spring?). Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation that has been ruled by the same 250-300 families for close to 2 1/2 centuries, for all practical purposes.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Spidey »

So be it, I’m pretty sure the founding fathers predicted a few revolutions along the way.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:I'm not talking, Thorne, about 'ideals of American government', I'm talking about historical precedent, world-wide. Most coups, violent revolutions and development of dictatorships have grown out of situations where the gap between the economic elite and everyone else got too vast. Be it France in the early 19th century, Russia in the early 20th, on through recent times(Arab Spring?). Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation that has been ruled by the same 250-300 families for close to 2 1/2 centuries, for all practical purposes.
Thorne understood my point perfectly. And, yes, slick points to who is the money behind the "leadership" but our process hasn't always been so easily, or cheaply, bought as it is now. I see it as because we, the electorate, have lowered our "price" by way of not being informed, engaged, interested, active, etc. etc.
We used to demand more of our politicians in terms of real performance, real service, showing some guts in leading the way to hard choices, now we just want them to chant the mantra and be snarky in blaming the other side of the aisle.

Those that are engaged could lead off a changing of the guard. The way the current crop of politicians operate with impunity gives those who are paying attention plenty of ammo to use for motivating the less engaged into paying attention, to spur them into action.

It used to be that, regardless of which Party you were in, as a politician, there were things you couldn't get away with that you can now. Primarily because the press/media doesn't try to hold itself to an objective standard the way they used to. There was a time not long ago when you couldn't have passed a Bill like Obamacare without being able to tell us what was in it. And to be able to say with a straight face that 'we the little people need to shut up and let them pass it so we can see whats in it'....well that would have been hilarious!
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

Spidey wrote:So be it, I’m pretty sure the founding fathers predicted a few revolutions along the way.
as has come up here before, Jefferson, for one, suggested revisiting the entire Constitution every generation(roughly 40 years).
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:And, yes, slick points to who is the money behind the "leadership" but our process hasn't always been so easily, or cheaply, bought as it is now.
cite a time frame, for example. I disagree completely.
I see it as because we, the electorate, have lowered our "price" by way of not being informed, engaged, interested, active, etc. etc.
We used to demand more of our politicians in terms of real performance, real service, showing some guts in leading the way to hard choices, now we just want them to chant the mantra and be snarky in blaming the other side of the aisle.
the engagement and interest part, I'll agree with. Not the rest, though. The exceptional politicians were, and still are, EXCEPTIONAL. It's just that the current status quo has rejected compromise, upon which much progress hinges.
Those that are engaged could lead off a changing of the guard. The way the current crop of politicians operate with impunity gives those who are paying attention plenty of ammo to use for motivating the less engaged into paying attention, to spur them into action.
but, in my opinion, far too many of the truly engaged don't really have the sense of obligation to drag the uninformed masses up with them, having essentially given up on the lower rungs of society.
It used to be that, regardless of which Party you were in, as a politician, there were things you couldn't get away with that you can now.
and there were a ton of things you COULD get away with that today are impossible. Times change. Human nature, not so much so......
Primarily because the press/media doesn't try to hold itself to an objective standard the way they used to. There was a time not long ago when you couldn't have passed a Bill like Obamacare without being able to tell us what was in it.
read up on the passage of the Federal Income tax and other laws tied to the Prohibition Amendment.
And to be able to say with a straight face that 'we the little people need to shut up and let them pass it so we can see whats in it'....well that would have been hilarious!
no, in times passed(say, the mid-1800s, for example, they never would have informed you about the very existence of the legislation. History, Will, would be your friend, if you let it......
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Spidey »

callmeslick wrote:
Spidey wrote:So be it, I’m pretty sure the founding fathers predicted a few revolutions along the way.
as has come up here before, Jefferson, for one, suggested revisiting the entire Constitution every generation(roughly 40 years).
A terrifying thought for sure, far more that any revolution ever could be… :twisted2:
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Will Robinson »

OK, slick, rather than go through centuries of history and debate the finer points...let me just keep it in the context I offered it...
There was a time when the general public demanded more integrity of the representatives and the press (now media). That has changed and it is to our detriment.

I dont know what part of the legislation you cited was similarly empty but it isnt the emptiness of the bill full of 'placeholders-for-legislation-yet-to-be decided' instead of actual content....it is the way the press/media doesn't have a cow and stir up trouble for the politicians that are doing it! They had more respect for us and we for them. Not that there never was corruption or laziness. It is that they had to work at fooling us and could expect to pay a price if they were outed.
Now they have us so polarized we marvel at their dishonesty as long as they are on the same side we are! THAT has never been publicly acceptable as far as I know. It is a sign of just how far gone we are.

Was there ever a newspaper guy who would have declared 'If his daughter had presidential semen on her from blowing the president he hoped she would have the good sense to burn the dress'?!?
Do you think that would have gone over well in the discourse of the times? In the 30's, 40's, 50's? Would the press have kept him around?
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Duper »

It is when people stop trying to fight for ideal that ideals cease to be.

Laws are made to set boundaries. If one choose to skirt the law then that one is a law breaker. Laws can be changed.

It was once mis-stated here that "great laws make great people". As people MAKE laws, then this isn't true. Only great people make great laws. Wishy-washy people make wishy-washy laws in the attempt to please everyone .. or special interests.. The men that created the Constitution were idealist. They weren't perfect, but they knew that they wanted to avoid what they were seeing in Europe.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

But, Duper, those same idealists were intelligent enough and pragmatic enough to know that the society would change over time, and thus the laws had to do likewise.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by LEON »

A living constitution is no constitution.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:But, Duper, those same idealists were intelligent enough and pragmatic enough to know that the society would change over time, and thus the laws had to do likewise.
Didn't they also make it very hard to change the constitution for a purpose? And do you think they would approve of the way the president has unilaterally decided to not implement huge portions of the law he fought to pass when that law presents problems for him in the coming mid term elections?

What law?!? He thinks of it more as ' a guideline'....
It is very imperial of him the way he operates around what we think is 'the law'.

Obama's new slogan should be: Law?!? Ain't nobody got time for dat!
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Sergeant Thorne »

callmeslick wrote:But, Duper, those same idealists were intelligent enough and pragmatic enough to know that the society would change over time, and thus the laws had to do likewise.
Which is an example, I would say, of men who knew that the government had to serve the people, otherwise they would have simply expected society to change because of their brilliant governmental efforts (as is the attitude now). In other words they knew that they could not determine, themselves, exactly what the government needed to be, in all ways. It shows a degree of humility, I think. On the other hand these men in general were well aware of the variations in forms of government which have existed throughout history, and to insinuate that they laid plans so that their efforts could be undone would be wrong. Likewise to assume simply because these men of vision saw a changing government, that this in any way conveys their blessing on the mess that the United States government has become, would be disingenuous.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

LEON wrote:A living constitution is no constitution.
huh? The basic framework can stay intact, but the ability to evolve is absolutely critical.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:Didn't they also make it very hard to change the constitution for a purpose? And do you think they would approve of the way the president has unilaterally decided to not implement huge portions of the law he fought to pass when that law presents problems for him in the coming mid term elections?
what on earth are you talking about? Delaying implementation is part of being an executive, private or public. There was nothing wrong with delaying implementation.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

Sergeant Thorne wrote:
callmeslick wrote:But, Duper, those same idealists were intelligent enough and pragmatic enough to know that the society would change over time, and thus the laws had to do likewise.
Which is an example, I would say, of men who knew that the government had to serve the people, otherwise they would have simply expected society to change because of their brilliant governmental efforts (as is the attitude now). In other words they knew that they could not determine, themselves, exactly what the government needed to be, in all ways. It shows a degree of humility, I think. On the other hand these men in general were well aware of the variations in forms of government which have existed throughout history, and to insinuate that they laid plans so that their efforts could be undone would be wrong. Likewise to assume simply because these men of vision saw a changing government, that this in any way conveys their blessing on the mess that the United States government has become, would be disingenuous.
I'm not suggesting that they would or wouldn't approve of anything, merely that they had the foresight to know that time brings change and progress. I think much of today's society would shock them, especially around the military, our overbearing presence in other nations business, the modern economy and the nature of the electorate. However, that is mere guesswork on my part.....
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by flip »

The founding fathers, men having the insight that times would change, made a document that could evolve yet with certain principles that were never meant circumvented. For instance, the right to bear arms. I use this mainly because Slick keeps going to this one. He reasons that the people were to be armed because there was no standing army, I reason that they were armed to prevent a standing army, and if in the advent of one, they would have recourse against one.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

flip wrote:The founding fathers, men having the insight that times would change, made a document that could evolve yet with certain principles that were never meant circumvented. For instance, the right to bear arms. I use this mainly because Slick keeps going to this one. He reasons that the people were to be armed because there was no standing army, I reason that they were armed to prevent a standing army, and if in the advent of one, they would have recourse against one.

actually, that is a perfect example of an amendment, NOT a core principle, and your reasoning is downright silly given the nature of the current standing army, because 'armed citizens' wouldn't stand a chance.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by flip »

The Bill of Rights were amendments to protect the core principals and your argument that "since we do not have a chance now" has no merit as to the intent.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

ok, Flip, I'll agree with that much. However(and this isn't a response to you whatsoever) the thought occurred to me that this conservative push for State-ratified Amendments might be ill-thought. Here's why. By my reckoning, there aren't all that many true 'Red', or conservative states in the nation. Any amendment needs 34 to carry. Given that each state is equal in the process, that means the ratification of Rhode Island or Delaware(both pretty much what the conservatives here would call 'liberal' bastions) would count for as much each as Texas. Therefore, if a major Constitutional Convention or other State based Amendment movement took hold, the Amendments that would carry, most likely, would be those preferred by the more liberal or moderate States.
Any thoughts?
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by flip »

Hmm, I've actually been thinking about that a lot lately. I have a few Mayors around here on my Facebook page, a few Congressmen and the Governor, so I post to put bugs in their ears. I know for a fact the 2 Mayors see my posts, and sometimes respond. Former congressman Istook has personally replied once. The Governor? Who knows. I do know that our 50 Governors are burdened with the unenviable task of maintaining the balance between State and Fed, and all this without weakening our Union. A tall order. I firmly believe in States Rights, but I also worry that in times of great distress, there is a real threat of our Union fracturing, hence the need for a strong, centralized government. All I can say is that it is a fine line that you ask about.

EDIT: An sometimes I post as why we live in a helix shaped Universe, that has a center but no beginning or end :P
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by callmeslick »

dammit, I'm still waiting for Leon to explain why a 'Living Constitution is No Constitution'. Perhaps it was a translation thing. I hope so.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Tunnelcat »

callmeslick wrote:dammit, I'm still waiting for Leon to explain why a 'Living Constitution is No Constitution'. Perhaps it was a translation thing. I hope so.
I'm guessing that LEON's referring to a Constitution that can be amended, changed, interpreted or modified because of a country's more modern thinking or because of changes in social mores and laws. Maybe he doesn't think the author's original intent can be preserved in future times if changes are made.

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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by LEON »

I see this from a philosophical point of view. When I say 'constitution', I mean the concept, not a particular. The constitution is there to protect citizens against the state.

The concept 'living constitution' is foggy and ambiguous, and can easily lead to a slippery slope where the state takes one's rights, hence 'no constitution'.

Exactly how a constitution should be formulated I don't know. I'm not an expert in laws, far from it.

In Norway we have a pretty good constitution, but not many people over here care, or even know what's in it. We have democracy as majority votes, which is two wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner. We also have parliamentarism which make the concept 'separation of powers' uncertain. All this in the name of 'public good'. We are so conditioned with this concept that every time the state violate one's individual rights, we do not react, or if we do, there's an outcry about 'public good' and we should stop being selfish. Individual rights has been replaced by human rights.

Edit: One can only change the constitution to the extent that the constitution is insufficient, and requires adjustments. One cannot change a constitution according to changing conditions in society. Individual rights are valid regardless of social conditions.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Spidey »

Indeed, I have no problem with changing the constitution as far as term limits and the things having to do with how the government works, but I am vehemently opposed to removing any protected rights.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Spidey wrote:Indeed, I have no problem with changing the constitution as far as term limits and the things having to do with how the government works, but I am vehemently opposed to removing any protected rights.
How about adding new protected rights? I'm guessing the Founding Fathers had no concept of ever giving black slaves the same Constitutional rights as other citizens.
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by Heretic »

Maybe you aught to read a bit more on that subject.

http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/top ... nd-Slavery
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Re: Obama lives large off the taxpayer dime...

Post by flip »

If you read the Bill of Rights, you can see a logical train of thought there. The founders had just spent a lot of time developing a government by the people and for the people. After they had gotten the structure and administration down, it looks like they had the next logical thought. "This document will only persevere as long as the people are given some inalienable rights." So here comes the first 10 amendments. Every one of them made to give the individual the right to defend himself, think as he pleases, and protection under the law in the advent he becomes unpopular in some way. None of those rights were made for criminals, but they were made to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That's why I think it's imperative to uphold every single one of them, because if you undercut one, you then threaten the integrity of all of them. Exactly what the founders feared may happen in the far unknown future. Here is where the Feds power should be, protecting individual liberties over and beyond what States determine.
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