Pranks you've pulled

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Pranks you've pulled

Post by MD-2389 »

Ok, we haven't had a thread like this in a long time. some funny stuff you've pulled on people over the years! :)
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Post by Krom »

I've put one of my boss' entire desk/chair/lamp/file cabinets (esentually the entire 'office') in the back of a pickup truck in the garage, all set up exactly as it was on the ground before.
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Post by Tyranny »

I used to steal toys or games from friends (as they did from me) and see how long it took them to figure out things were missing. I still have about 5 or 6 of my friends SNES games :P

Nobody got by me for very long (a few hours tops). I kept a strict inventory when I was a kid :P
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Post by Vander »

For April Fools day a few years ago, my boss (the IT manager) sent out a company wide email stating that for the past month, the company had been complying with some fictitious government regulation that forced us track porn surfing at work and forward the names of those that had been caught.

I was immediately approached by a startled employee who said he had just deleted about a gig of porn from his computer hoping he hadn't been caught.

At the staff meeting a few minutes later, we all had a good laugh. :P
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Post by llClutchll »

:twisted: I'll post later when I have some more time :twisted:
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Post by Avder »

Me and Cromar and I think maybe Mase got para to cover his face in shaving cream once while he was sleeping. It was some amusing LAN antics.
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Post by SolidAir »

On the last day of our family vacation in the keys I woke up earlier than everyone else to set the clocks ahead by a couple hours. This included all the clocks in the hotel suite, alarm clocks and even my family's watches. For watches that I couldn't figure out how to change, I just hid them.

I went back to sleep after changing the clocks and later awoke to my parents running about because they had thought they missed the checkout time. That was such a good laugh.
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

Varmished a guys car door shut once :twisted:
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Post by woodchip »

Way back in my college days, a friend got a parking ticket by the town cops. We were very drunk at the time. So he and I walked down to the local police station and stood out side (it was night time and a snow storm was in progress). I lit up a cigarette and he pulled out a M-80 and some tape. I took the M-8- from him and stuck the unlit end of the cig. onto the fuse and held it to the police stations 4' x 6' plate glass window while he taped it to the glass. We then walked across the street and waited. A couple of minutes later the cig. burned down far enough to ignite the fuse of the M-80. There was a bright flash and a loud bang. Cops came out of the build looking around while we faded away. Like good crimminals we later visited the scene of the crime and saw the plate glass was completely spider-webbed with cracks. we finished the night by drinking some more until we passed out. Pay backs are da biatch.
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Post by Couver_ »

On detachment to Key West on time we waited till a guy had left to go drink in town. We broke into his room via the window and turned everything in the room upside down. Even the items in his upside down fridge where upside down. I then went to town and when he decided to go home I went with. His reaction was worth it. He took it well and I helped him re set everything vowing to help him find whoever had done it.
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Post by Lobber »

Ok, I finally remembered the last time I pulled a prank. I was in 5th grade. That's oh... more than two decades ago.

Back in those days, grade school classes thru 6th grade were held in single home rooms. Our teacher was named Mr. White.

The classroom had a row of coat closets along one wall, and cupboards above those. As a 10 year old, us kids could easily stand inside one of those coat closets and hide inside. There was a tiny space between the shelf and the lower coat closet door, and the upper cupboard door.

So one day, I hid in there before class, and when it started, I reached up with my little fingers, and pushed open the cupboard doors. The teacher had to interrupt the class, walk over to the door that had just slowly swung out, and close it.

A minute later, I opened it again, this time, he walked back, pushed all the text books and things in the cupboard to the back of the shelf, and close the door again.

I don't remember how many times I opened that door, or if I ever got caught, or even how it ended, but the whole classroom of kids knew what was going on and were giggling alot.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Stuffed a girlfiends room with hay, from ceiling to floor with a couple of dozen eggs hidden within...very messy when cleaning.

After she'd cleared the room we counted 20 seconds for the screaming fit. We'd also stuffed the Air-con with dried leaves and glitter which didn't go down very well.

A mate of mine put a few tabs inside the milk of the coffee room where he was working... i thought that waas a tad mean though. Funny but mean.
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Post by Lobber »

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Post by Lobber »

Yikes. That's a serious one.
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Post by Foil »

A friend of mine is the "all-time prankster" at my college. He was involved in all kinds of pranks (putting a professor's car on the steps of a large building, launching numerous flying objects and automated banner drops during "academic convocation", etc.), and he managed to get keys to every building on campus.

One of the best pranks I know of involved about 30 guys. They broke into the auditorium, unscrewed all 700 or 800 seats, turned them around (to face the back), and screwed them back down. At chapel the next morning, the students were all sitting in the backward seats, laughing, when the Chaplain walked in; he paused for a brief moment, and then just walked to the back and started the service as if nothing had happened. :lol:
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Post by WarAdvocat »

on newer telephones, the earpiece tends to only have a couple of holes to allow sound out. It's funny to put a small piece of scotch tape over those holes. Ask my Boss, I did it to him!
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Post by Mobius »

In my senior year I painted the school hall stage with impact explosive. (Iodine and ammonia) The next morning when the teachers marched up the isles all hell broke loose. :D

I once threw a huge chunk of Potassium into the school pool 2 days before the school swimming sports. :)

Once a friend of mine staying at a hall of residence at university had the hottest date of his life. We took the door off his room and hid it under the pool table in the lounge. :) He never forgave us.

Another time, a rather "loose" chick in the same hall, who was notorious for loud sex, had a microphone hidden in her room overnight. The following morning we played a medly of the best parts over the PA system. :)
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Post by Tyranny »

I smuggled a bunch of my relatives pr0n magazines all the way from Montana down here to Arizona once :P

He wasn't too happy when he found out they were missing. God, looking back I was such a friggin thief. No wonder nobody in my family trusted me for a VERY long time :P
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Post by ccb056 »

I used to go through the walls in a game called descent in online multiplayer :P
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Post by Boo »

I haven't pulled any pranks worth mentioning in my life. However, i'm planning some fun with remote desktop for april fools day, and I can open ~90% of the soap/toilet paper/towel dispensers in my school. Should be intresting if I do anything.
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

Stole all the shower curtainsfrom our rival dorm at college. :)
Then we re-engineered the stall doors to open the other way. :twisted:
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Post by llClutchll »

Ok, let's get started...

During Electronics training in the Navy we were housed in barracks. Anyone that has ever been in the military can attest to how much trouble one slacker can get the entire unit into.

One of these knuckle heads was a heavy sleeper who would never get out of bed and was always late for muster. One morning we got fed up and dental flossed him to his rack (bed). We left him there for the instructor to find. Funny thing... You could hear the guy getting bitched out all the way from the 6th floor :) he was never late again!
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Post by llClutchll »

One of my favorites was a particularly gullible technician we told had an outside line phone call up on the bridge of the ship. (You couldn't get phone calls in the middle of the ocean back then)

After each of the departments on the ship had the fun of "transfering" the call between eachother we got serious. We patched a couple of transmitters up back to back (a test mode that dosen't leave the ship) and patched the call to a handset on the secondary bridge.

We then had a guy setup in radio who acted as the "International Operator" and kept messing up the connection by patching the wrong calls to him. We had a line of about 30 people (some of the guys were bilingual so this kid was getting cussed out in god knows what language!)

This went on for about an hour and a half when the next thing you know I'm pulled aside and told the captain was on the bridge and wanted whoever was responsible for this up there ASAP! (I might have forgot to mention it was 2:30am and this is not a time the captain is ever awake :o )

Well, it was mostly my idea, and I was the ranking tech in the shop, so off I went to get majorly busted!

I walk out to the bridge and as I'm waiting form y eyes to adjust I see the small sillouhet of our 65yr old captain. This dude was hardcore Navy. Fought is way up the ranks from an enlisted recruit to the ultimate rank of Rear Admiral. Anyways, as I stood there contemplating what my punishment would be, I hear a low - highly controlled voice say "Petty Officer Frank... (long pause) I just want to know one thing (another long pause) Who the hell was the idiot on the other end of that phone?"

After a quick reply (you don't mess around with this guy!) He verified that we didn't radiate a signal off the ship during this little prank, then with a smirk on his face, He sent me off to break down the equipment.

Evidently someone accidently patched in a handset out on the bridge. Unfortunatley the Officer of the Deck was the Communications officer, and he freaked out thinking that someone was actually making a phone call off ship! Well, he sent someone down to wake the captain to report this major security violation, and after the Captain enjoyed a few minutes of entertainment he shut us down.

Unfortunate for the Comm officer, this particular captain had no patience for Officers. He ripped him a new one for being an idiot and not investigating it before waking him up. In retalliation I was not allowed in Radio Central without an escort for the next 6 months!
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Post by Top Gun »

So that's how our navy works! :P
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Post by llClutchll »

lol! I've got tons of these!

I remember flying over to another ship in the fleet to repair the surface search radar (it had been down for over a year) I spent 24hours over there and managed to get the system working 100%. Almost immediatley after reporting the system operational, the ship was retasked for a replenisment operation. I was placed on a helicopter and sent back to my own ship.

After a half hour flight, I landed on my flight deck to find the Captain standing there waiting for me. He was PISSED! He marched me up to the bridge and started grilling me with questions about the RADAR and what exactly I had done to it. I was dumfounded... I told him I fixed it! nothing more!

He promptly turned and announced on the 1mc (intercom) "This is the Captain... We have a report that the USS ---- has collided with a destroyer during a replenishment exercise. This collision occured immediatley after Petty Officer Frank repaired the surface search radar system of the ship. "

I was FREAKING OUT! I knew there was no reason the RADAR would be the cause of a collision unless the crew were total idiots!

After letting me sweat it out for a while (3 hours), the Captain finally told me the collision was caused by a failed rudder control on the destroyer, and the captain of the replenishment ship was very happy with the repaired RADAR.

WHEW! I was relieved. But... since the other ship was damaged, they got to go to port for the next month for repairs. Our crew found out about that pretty quick, so every day for the rest of the deployment (7 months) I was asked "Hey, Can you fix our radar today?".

What comes around goes around! :)
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Post by JMEaT »

Man, I have waaaay too many to count. I'll have to think about this one.
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Post by llClutchll »

Any of you lurkers remember this one?


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Post by Phoenix Red »

I used to be a major instigator of small scale pranks, the sort you pull at 10 and 12 years old. Sometime around that age I lost all patience with just about everything and never really recovered, so my antics are limited to the sort of thing a preteen can imagine and create. For a good month, I had access to a locked portable classroom which allowed interferance with things like mark books, and the brand new school network complete with nazi policy was repeatedly violated in minor ways (the removed games like solitare were re-instated etc).

While I was in england, I found I was able to scale walls and access dorms via window/roof, unfortunately everything planned around this was eventually headed off. That's the last time any serious planning went into a stunt.
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Post by MD-2389 »

encore Clutch! Encore!
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Post by TOR_LordRaven »

Its not much of a prank.. but its funny.

I set my Voice Mail to - "Hello? (pause) Hey whats up? (long pause) Leave a Message!"

Thing is, I naturally answer the phone "Hello.. Hey whats up".

I got voice mails of people talking on my VM as if they were talking to me..

Once Hemp13 called and left a VM: "Hey man, You almost got me there with your voice mail (laughing).. Hello?" then he hung up.

Other times, I would actually answer and I would hear them say "Dam Voice Mail" and hang up on me..
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Post by Teddy »

Iv'e got more of these then i could write down here in one day..... however my favorite prank was the one me and a few buddies pulled off 2 years ago on a boss we hated. I do building maintenance for Target stores, and while building our shop for the Cincinnati area, I rigged our bosses air conditioning.... the bathroom happened to be right next to his office, so i hooked the bathroom vent up to his air vents :twisted: Needless to say, till the day he moved on to another job....he never figured out where that horriable smell came from!!
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