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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:37 am
by Couver_
Did someone say worthless??

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:48 am
by fyrephlie
[spoiler]6 pages!?!?![/spoiler]

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:13 pm
by TheCope
fyrephlie wrote:[spoiler]6 pages!?!?![/spoiler]
yea yea yea.
ain't you a clever troll... jesus.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:18 pm
by fyrephlie
no, this is a clever troll!


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:31 pm
by Ferno
and there she goes, right into the middle of nowhere

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:05 pm
by Lothar
Now, where's the thread about the greatest D3 forum junkies of all time?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:51 pm
by Unix
I think a good name for a band would be Unemployed Terrorist.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:25 pm
by Money!
losing respect ++

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:27 pm
by Money!
I wanna see a fatty anarchy (lan or the net) of JF and Behe and Monkey and Palzon and see how it all goes down.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:58 pm
fyrephlie wrote:no, this is a clever troll!
trolling wrote:The contemporary use of the term first appeared on Usenet groups in the late 1980s. It is widely thought to be a contraction of the phrase "trolling for suckers", itself derived from the sport fishing technique of trolling. The latter can be compared with trawling, of which it is a near homophone.
Back on topic

The best is when a self proclaimed D3 internet God comes to a LAN..."dudes what is up my settings must be fubared I can't hit anything" um noobness accurates are on. you need to shoot the ship not the barn!!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:34 pm
by Behemoth
BUBBALOU wrote: Back on topic

The best is when a self proclaimed D3 internet God comes to a LAN..."dudes what is up my settings must be fubared I can't hit anything" um noobness accurates are on. you need to shoot the ship not the barn!!
Yet, when LAN actually happens you will call somebody a mass driver ***** or even vauss.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:22 am
by Sirius
Yeah, D1/2 LANs usually tended to be more fun.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:47 am
only on your best day

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:20 am
by Jesus Freak
BUBBALOU wrote: The best is when a self proclaimed D3 internet God comes to a LAN..."dudes what is up my settings must be fubared I can't hit anything" um noobness accurates are on. you need to shoot the ship not the barn!!
You experience one of those moments Bubba?

Heh just kidding. That happens to everyone on their first LAN experience. Accurates on LAN is to save all the newbs who would otherwise die every shot from a skilled player's fusion cannon(not to mention MD). I caught on after a game or so of BI3 at Chilan, however having had almost no experience playing with low ping on-line at the time of Chilan in 04, there was clearly room to improve. Really the best way to get really good at LAN IMO is to play it as much as I play on-line, which will never happen for me. Since I don't see any LANs in the future for D3, on-line play is all that matters now(and it doesn't matter that much, heh heh).

Sirius, seeing you as a mostly D1/D2 player, it's natural for those to be your favorite LANs. Also, because D1 and D2 on-line suck so much, playing on LAN is probably a huge relief :P I don't know if you ever checked the ratings for D1, D2 and D3 from Gamespot or any other reputable gaming site, but D3 has the highest score by far :P (9.4 I believe vs D1 at like an 8.0)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:07 am
by Sirius
Um... actually I should qualify that a bit.

This is mostly from the reactions I got from others about them. There were a lot more 'wow' type comments from people going to D1 LANs than I ever heard from D3.

Personally, I've only been to one LAN... ever. D3 was out at that point, but the handful of other people I was playing with didn't have it or didn't play it much.

Since I'm used to playing D1/2 on-line, I really don't care about the difference. It IS different but it's just a matter of leading shots. D3 online can be good on a nice day and level, but tended be the one that drove me insane, mainly due to weapon balance.

Take either to a LAN and no-one has anything to ★■◆● about though.

And really, I wouldn't compare ratings. Most reviewers don't play a game for very long, and chances are D1 wasn't rated for multiplayer. But anyway, their ideas:
D1 - 8.0
D2 - 9.2
D3 - 9.0

PC Gamer:
D1 - 96
D2 - 88
D3 - 93

All Game Guide:
D1 - 9
D2 - 8
D3 - 9

Metacritic's score:
D1 - 87
D2 - 89
D3 - 89

D3 generally did well in the reviews, but it wasn't really all that decisive.

P.S. Apologies if you haven't heard of some of those, but it was rather tough finding anyone that had reviewed all three. D1 is too old for most sites.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:52 am
by Behemoth
D1 is the best.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:49 am
Behemoth wrote:D1 is the best.
Haha, Behemoth only just learned about installing IPX/SPX only a few days ago to play multiplayer on LAN!!

Both D1 and D2 need this to run on a LAN, not to mention having shares enabled and firewall not blocking your LAN segment. one can only hold your hand so long

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:16 pm
by Behemoth
I had no problem knowing how, because i could on d2, But my settings are still screwed so obviously bubba doesnt know how to set it right either. ;P

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:15 pm
by Djcjr
Yes, D1 is the best.

These posts are always fun to watch. Whether or not the person who started it was being serious, there's always some people that actually get mad that their name doesn't show up on their list.

If I actually played D3 more than a couple dozen times I'd probably come up with a list of my own.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:48 pm
by Beowulf
I'm the best pilot of all time. In every category. And if you don't believe me, I'm retired. I've got nothing left to prove.


What's this thread about, by the way?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:55 am
by Jesus Freak
Behemoth wrote:D1 is the best.
You play D1 very little for considering it the best. I played 69 1v1 games(great number, eh?) for the IDL plus a couple non-ladder games. That's about how long it held my interest. In contrast, I've played thousands of D3 games. It would be hypocritical for me to say D1 is the best. I will say that D1 is better than D2 though.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:38 am
by Behemoth
Jesus Freak wrote:
Behemoth wrote:D1 is the best.
You play D1 very little for considering it the best. I played 69 1v1 games(great number, eh?) for the IDL plus a couple non-ladder games. That's about how long it held my interest. In contrast, I've played thousands of D3 games. It would be hypocritical for me to say D1 is the best. I will say that D1 is better than D2 though.
I would NOT however be hypocritical for me to say that because i played d1 for about a year before d2 even came out.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:13 am
Beowulf wrote:What's this thread about, by the way?
Behemoth's 18 year old Ego!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:02 pm
by Behemoth
Stroke my mighty ego bubba! you know you love too ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:41 pm
by Jesus Freak
Beowulf wrote:What's this thread about, by the way?
Behemoth's 18 year old Ego!
Behemoth's 18? Thought he was younger? ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:17 pm
by Behemoth
Heh, been 18 since may :)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:38 pm
by Sarge

Edit: Drat!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:58 pm
by Unix
Sarge wrote:Seven!

Edit: Drat!
HAHA :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:51 pm
Behemoth wrote:Stroke my mighty ego bubba! you know you love too ;)
right after you shave my back!!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:59 pm
by Ferno
Djcjr wrote:Yes, D1 is the best.

These posts are always fun to watch. Whether or not the person who started it was being serious, there's always some people that actually get mad that their name doesn't show up on their list.

If I actually played D3 more than a couple dozen times I'd probably come up with a list of my own.
heheh ain't that true. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:36 pm
by Clayman
I have more fond memories of D2 than D1. It was darker, had better graphics, and nothing was cooler than the gauss cannon. I wouldn't know about weapons balance, because I only played it online a few times.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:32 pm
by Lothar
I have no idea if this will be SEVEN or not, but I'll take a gamble.

Come on, lucky seven!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:32 am
by fyrephlie
Lothar wrote:I have no idea if this will be SEVEN or not, but I'll take a gamble.

Come on, lucky seven!
almost... but it's lurking right around the corner.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:34 am
by Hattrick
/me grabs the dice and gives em a toss.

C'mon seven! Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

*EDIT* awwww shucks, my luck hasnt changed. :P

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:06 pm
by Palzon
Jesus Freak wrote:
Palzon wrote:For the record, I wouldn't rank myself top 100, but I know that Jesus Freak couldn't hang with any ROX member on his best day, never could, never will, and should stop dreaming. :P
1 on 1 Palzon? I'm eager to play you to see a ROX in action. Heck, throw Genghis or Hostile at me. I know what I have done against ROX. History is not daydreaming, never was, never will be.
post a stats file or dream on.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:43 pm
by Money!
Sounds like you guys need to play Palzon.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:01 pm
by kurupt
one thing we can all agree on is that i was the biggest ★■◆● to ever play all 3 descents.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:17 pm
by Money!
kurupt wrote:one thing we can all agree on is that i was the biggest ****ole to ever play all 3 descents.
Seconded :P

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:42 pm
by MD-2389
kurupt wrote:one thing we can all agree on is that i was the biggest ****ole to ever play all 3 descents.
Sorry, but I think the serverop for Retirement Home has you beat by leaps and bounds. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:18 pm
by Behemoth
I agree :)