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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:16 pm
by SirWinner
The ONLY way that I would consider playing ANY Mech Warrior Game is: (Refer to \"Mech Warrior 4\")

1. Radar ON for everyone (referred) OR no radar at all.

Radar was useless.

2. NO getting shot through buildings or terrain.

People could shoot you literally through the terrain if they knew where you were.

3. NO extremely high pingers owning those with a low ping that can't hit them because of extreme packet loss.

You literally couldn't target the guy / gal with a ping over 1 second.

4. NO extreme packet loss issues when people enter or leave the game.

Mech Warrior 4 was laggy to the point that I saw a slideshow until the person entering a started game until they were in the mission. Better yet, Nobody is allowed to enter a game after it is launched.

5. NOT sold nor produced by Microsoft or any company affiliated with Microsoft.

Online Content as far as lag was too much.

Weapon Range was totally wrong. Got hit by light mechs from way way outside of weapons ranges. Yes, I know that there were way too many cheaters.

Microsoft's software release pattern has long been to release MOST software before it is \"completely\" tested on all main functions. As a Computer Programmer for almost 32 years I know quite well that there will ALWAYS be bugs whether they have to do with not yet found bugs, unreproduceable errors / bugs, oddball Graphics Cards, etc.



Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:48 pm
by Sirius
Not trying to be anal about this but it's best suited to point-by-point I think.
SirWinner wrote:The ONLY way that I would consider playing ANY Mech Warrior Game is: (Refer to "Mech Warrior 4")

1. Radar ON for everyone (referred) OR no radar at all.

Radar was useless.
Eh, yes and no - there is a tactical element to turning it off in that you get the opportunity to see enemies before they see you - but only if you're looking, and only if LOS is blocked. The league I used to play in (NBT) had a lot of people gaming that system, although many of the better units basically took the "screw it, we don't need stealth" approach so they could finish games faster, and it often worked too. Radar is really a pretty minor thing since battles usually outlast the element of surprise - although there have been notable exceptions.

Does it make the game more fun? I don't know. There might be an argument for removing it on that basis.
2. NO getting shot through buildings or terrain.

People could shoot you literally through the terrain if they knew where you were.
Only in early versions of the game; this was fixed pretty quickly.
3. NO extremely high pingers owning those with a low ping that can't hit them because of extreme packet loss.

You literally couldn't target the guy / gal with a ping over 1 second.
Dubious; I heard horror tales of the initial MW4:V release, but a high ping was definitely more of a disadvantage than an advantage by 2002 or so. The game uses a client/server model, so if you have a low ping and hit someone, they most likely did take damage, even if they thought they were somewhere else entirely. The one thing that lag did help for was that such people often moved erratically, which you also might have observed in Descent 3.
4. NO extreme packet loss issues when people enter or leave the game.

Mech Warrior 4 was laggy to the point that I saw a slideshow until the person entering a started game until they were in the mission. Better yet, Nobody is allowed to enter a game after it is launched.
Oh, that was pain-inducing. It got fixed eventually though.
5. NOT sold nor produced by Microsoft or any company affiliated with Microsoft.
The publisher only makes so much of a difference... though if they try to push it out too fast and then dump it (EA is much worse at this than MS, though) there are exceptions.
Online Content as far as lag was too much.

Weapon Range was totally wrong. Got hit by light mechs from way way outside of weapons ranges. Yes, I know that there were way too many cheaters.
In the early days, definitely. It improved over time but ... of course ... not nearly as many people were playing by then.
Microsoft's software release pattern has long been to release MOST software before it is "completely" tested on all main functions. As a Computer Programmer for almost 32 years I know quite well that there will ALWAYS be bugs whether they have to do with not yet found bugs, unreproduceable errors / bugs, oddball Graphics Cards, etc.
Second part, yeah. You can never catch them all. First part I'm not sure about; I don't know how the games division works since it's presumably more informal. The widespread commercial/consumer software (Windows, Office etc) is tested quite heavily though, and certainly all the main scenarios will be automatically tested on a regular basis.

Haven't heard of anyone testing games in that way though; most studios just use manual QA testing. Which, honestly, is more cost-effective when you're only looking at one release cycle in the first place.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:55 pm
by Sirius
OK, scratch part of the above, should have been only if LOS isn't blocked. Unfortunately DBB's edit function is ... not working too well for me at the moment.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:08 pm
by Duper
SW, why go through all of that?

I mean really, you're talking about a game that is what.. 8 years old? Most of those issues have been dealt with in modern engines. Save Microsoft and they managed that themselves. Most server options these days allow you to drop players that have \"x\" ping.

On the other hand, I guess you won't be d/l'ing the Free Mech4 huh?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:11 pm
by Sirius
The, uh, free mech4 thing will have those problems dealt with. If you're still not doing damage on a low ping it pretty much means you're missing, now.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:01 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
I do have the CDs of Mechwarrior 4+the expansions.
sooo... no need to be concern about it.
I'm still waiting for Mekpak 3.1 (or is it now MekPak 4?).

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:39 pm
by Sirius
MP4 I heard.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:47 pm
by Duper
I meant SirWinner.

yeah Sirus, That was my point.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:55 pm
by DarkHorse
All those problems are either long gone or never existed, particularly the \"weapon ranges are wrong\" one. I used to hear that from people who just weren't paying attention to what the range actually was.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:36 pm
by Duper
exactly DH. There was always a Defense or a counter offense for every attack. Even missile boaters.

TKer's killed the game for me and that was long before Mektek started making their packs.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:25 pm
by DarkHorse
Interesting. I honestly never saw troublesome TKing on the no-respawn servers. Yeah, we did it occasionally to someone who was being a twat, and occasionally teams would kill each other for the hell of it and rejoin before the two-minute join timer ran out, but the only huge problems there were actually introduced by Mektek: the Gargoyle on nitrous and the heat long toms. Both since fixed, too.

Team no respawn pretty much killed Descent for me, I have to admit. I couldn't play it anymore without wishing it had a comparable game mode.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:35 pm
by SirWinner
I stand by my post.

Mech Warrior 4 miserably failed my \"must buy\" criteria but it was purchased ONLY to play a game together with guys from my (non-Descent) online team. Big big mistake!

Perhaps it was early in the game play but at that point they hadn't fixed the getting shot through textures and those are the reasons that the online game play died very very quickly for me.

The single player mode was decent however.

Can't help it that I make mental lists of what needs to be fixed since that it what happens when writing and testing my own software products. Later those ideas and thoughts are put to paper or to electronic form.

Tend to show my reasons instead of typing that: (insert game name) sucked.


Don't expect people to agree with me... just stated my opinions and frustrations based on a lot of personal time in the game.

Don't try to turn it into a debate, I have much better things to do and sure that you do too!


Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:46 pm
by DarkHorse
There's nothing to debate anyway; all your reasons are obsolete.