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Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:33 pm
by Jeff250
Thunderbunny wrote:[...]
But couldn't the same be said for woodchip attacking Obama but not attacking Bush? I'd like to see an end to hypocrisy on both sides.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:51 pm
by vision
woodchip wrote:... women all know wearing too revealing clothes increases her chances of being raped.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:04 pm
by Ferno
Oh for ★■◆●'s sakes. Woody just switched the golden shovel out for the golden dynamite.

That's the same line of bull★■◆● third-wave feminists throw around, along with 'rape culture'.
why should I have my tax dollars spent to prosecute a rapist when women all know wearing too revealing clothes increases her chances of being raped
There is a huge difference between disaster relief and rape. One is a natural disaster and the other is a crime. Honestly, my two year old nephew has more sense than this.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:21 am
by woodchip
vision wrote:
woodchip wrote:... women all know wearing too revealing clothes increases her chances of being raped.
Yeah, laugh at all those women in north africa or the middle east, I'm sure they find it all hilarious too. You're still a misogynist.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:31 am
by callmeslick
this from Fitz Dearmore, at the Baton Rouge River Center(staging area for relief efforts):

"updated* I am seeing some noise on the interwebs about how "Obumer isn't taking care of the flooding down in Baton Rouge"

So I have a few moments sitting on my refuge cot down here, let me tell you some stuff.

National Guard don't think about race and religion when they go house to house rescueing people. And when they do skip a black man to go get a white one; it's because he's 80 and alone. The able bodied come next.

The District6 East Baton Rouge Fire/Rescue worked 41 straight hours. There was no relief shift until the National Guard was activated at Belle Chase. Because it was all hands on deck. Their pilot lost his retirement when his 80+ head of cattle drowned while he worked.

Now those firemen get a shower and sleep. Some are making calls to refuge centers to find their wives and kids. As 4 of the 11 I met last night had lost thier homes, their families displaced, while they cared for others.

Those centers are staffed and secured by men and women in fatigues that say US Army. Which means their Boss is a guy named Obama, President Obama to sad internet meme warriors.

The highwater vehicles the media talks about are Army vehicles, trucks, humvees and boats. District6 had already lost 2 boats to damage when the Army brought them more.

When people lineup outside this convention center, they are in and registered in 30 minutes. The restrooms are clean, water is stacked neatly around the hall if you want an extra blanket, you just ask. Toiletries and clothing are being distributed. 2000 beds set up and 3 meals a day have gone off without a hitch.

This is no Katrina.2, and if you think the Whitehouse was silent because they didn't hold a presser, or didn't call you? That would be because they called people that mattered."

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:00 am
by Nightshade

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:31 am
by callmeslick
yep, nothing like a funny photoshop meme to counter the actual truth that Obama's people have handled this disaster FLAWLESSLY, by all reports.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:50 am
by Nightshade
callmeslick wrote:yep, nothing like a funny photoshop meme to counter the actual truth that Obama's people have handled this disaster FLAWLESSLY, by all reports.
...right. And you worship the easter bunny.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:04 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:yep, nothing like a funny photoshop meme to counter the actual truth that Obama's people have handled this disaster FLAWLESSLY, by all reports.
I don't want to bust your cherry, but those aren't Obama's people helping out. Most of them are local people helping neighbors. So far I haven't seen any people from Obama's white house staff down there nor do I see Obama himself there. The guys worse than Bush yet you try and paint him as a saint.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:20 pm
by callmeslick
you don't need DC office workers, when the local officials are distributing supplies the feds made available, and rescues(along with the locals) are being performed by Army and Guard troops, using Federal vehicles airlifted in. You read, above, what the local at the shelter said about the matter. The feds are on top of this, to an extraordinary degree, given how this weather just sort of moved in unexpectedly. Woody, you are grasping at straws, trying to turn a salient example of how federal, private and state agencies and individuals work together without public fanfare or empty gestures, into something it isn't. Sorry, it doesn't wash.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:22 pm
by callmeslick
Oh, and Jeh Johnson(head of Homeland Security, hence a Cabinet member) has been there twice so far. It's been in the papers, at least the ones most sane people access.......likely nothing much in Breitbart or Fox.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:32 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:you don't need DC office workers, when the local officials are distributing supplies the feds made available, and rescues(along with the locals) are being performed by Army and Guard troops, using Federal vehicles airlifted in. You read, above, what the local at the shelter said about the matter. The feds are on top of this, to an extraordinary degree, given how this weather just sort of moved in unexpectedly. Woody, you are grasping at straws, trying to turn a salient example of how federal, private and state agencies and individuals work together without public fanfare or empty gestures, into something it isn't. Sorry, it doesn't wash.
What doesn't wash is your thinking fed.agencies doing what they are supposed to do, do so because Obama is managing all this while he swings a golf club or parties the night away with Hillary Clinton. Sorry, the only ones I really respect are the locals doing yeomans service in their respective communities.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:33 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:Oh, and Jeh Johnson(head of Homeland Security, hence a Cabinet member) has been there twice so far. It's been in the papers, at least the ones most sane people access.......likely nothing much in Breitbart or Fox.
I notice you don't take the time to link them.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:35 pm
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:....doesn't wash is your thinking fed.agencies doing what they are supposed to do, do so because Obama is managing all this while he swings a golf club or parties the night away with Hillary Clinton. Sorry, the only ones I really respect are the locals doing yeomans service in their respective communities.
don't understand how effective management works do you? Of course, you don't respect Obama. You never have. Your loss. No, I'm not going to link the visits by Jeh Johnson, as they've been documented in every major news report over the past few days. It will do you good to read real news.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:39 pm
by woodchip
Ah, can't link something that is not there. I understand.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:52 pm
by callmeslick
here's the link to one visit. Took me all of 14 seconds. Not only are you intellectually lazy, you are just flat-out lazy asking me to do this for you: ... 48272.html

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:53 pm
by Z..
How do you all still do this with him every single day?

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:16 am
by vision
Z.. wrote:How do you all still do this with him every single day?
It's entertainment, like watching the Jerry Springer show, except you can participate! Just when you think he can't say anything more outrageous, he does. It's amazing.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:54 am
by sigma
Obama is a child of its time. Let's see who will be next.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:07 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:here's the link to one visit. Took me all of 14 seconds. Not only are you intellectually lazy, you are just flat-out lazy asking me to do this for you: ... 48272.html
So ole Jeh finally got down there last Thurs. and it didn't pop up in my news headers. Still doesn't make up for Glorious Leader not being there. Wonder when he does go if the locals will be as enthusiastic as the guy in FL who thanked God Obama was President. And don't give me the intellectually lazy crap as you demand that I link things also.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:07 am
by woodchip
Ewww...double post.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:55 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:
callmeslick wrote:here's the link to one visit. Took me all of 14 seconds. Not only are you intellectually lazy, you are just flat-out lazy asking me to do this for you: ... 48272.html
So ole Jeh finally got down there last Thurs. and it didn't pop up in my news headers. Still doesn't make up for Glorious Leader not being there. Wonder when he does go if the locals will be as enthusiastic as the guy in FL who thanked God Obama was President. And don't give me the intellectually lazy crap as you demand that I link things also.
I never demand links to anything that someone following the basics of an issue should have read. By now, Jeh Johnson has been down twice, for a total of 3 days. The rest of your nonsense is a dance around the fact you've been caught politicizing tragedies of others', again.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:15 pm
by Tunnelcat
Slick, you can counter all you want, but when it comes down to brass tacks, Obama should have known better than to go out and play golf on vacation while L.A. drowned and people died. It just plain looks callous and unconcerned for the leader of our nation. He fell into the same trap Bush did and remember, liberals pounced liked slathering dogs, even if Bush did screw up and deserved it. No matter how much Obama did his job and delegated others to help out, he looked absent and unconcerned standing on a sunny and pleasant golf course while people lost their homes or drowned. Appearance is everything and Trump took full advantage. When you're the president, you're supposed to at least look like you give a damn when a part of the nation suffers, and not appear like some elitist prick.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:21 pm
by callmeslick
tunnelcat wrote:Slick, you can counter all you want, but when it comes down to brass tacks, Obama should have known better than to go out and play golf on vacation while L.A. drowned and people died.
oh, for fucks sakes. This isn't like a forseen event, first of all. Second, he clearly made the calls and had the people in place to execute. Finally, there was extremely limited calls for him to show up, and at least as many requesting he not come. Funny how folks in Washington State, Michigan and Oregon really seem to care, but didn't pay attention to the flooding until it was going on for 3 days. Obama was clearly more attentive than that, based on the response. Maybe it DOES matter, to folks who wish to dwell on the superficial instead of the reality. I hear no such whining from the Republicans or the Dems I know in Louisiana, and no one here seems to be able to find some outpouring of such demands, as was seen with Katrina.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:40 pm
by Tunnelcat
Sometimes, superficial makes all the difference to people who don't see what's going on behind the scenes. Most people are news samplers and don't look deeper. Obama did a bang up job of getting help and assistance to L.A. just fine. No argument there. But those pictures of Obama playing golf in the sunshine while a city was drowning and people dying under an epic deluge speaks volumes to the average person sitting around watching TV or reading the paper. IT JUST PLAIN LOOKS BAD! You'd have thought he'd have known better after Bush's lambasting for doing the exact same thing during a time of crisis. Tell me your gut reaction that this doesn't look a little callous for Bush to be playing golf and enjoying himself on some rich, snooty golf course, all the while terrorists were killing people in the Middle East and Israel.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:43 pm
by callmeslick
what you seem to miss, for some odd reason, is that every example you cite from the past that 'looked bad' did so because it was coupled with a really dubious response in real terms, not 'appearances'.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:08 pm
by Tunnelcat
How quickly you forget the rage of the liberals. Now the shoe's on the other foot, even if it's not for a war. The type of death and destruction doesn't matter because Americans were still suffering, dying and losing their homes and it looks unseemly for the president to be enjoying himself playing golf while it's all going down. It's the Wrong Signal slick, whether you like it or not.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:27 pm
by callmeslick
so, it's about some sort of retribution for Bush. Bottom line, the locals haven't been complaining to any real degree. I'm ok with that, you just focus on optics and keep on missing the real issue. As with any real issue, watch where the sources are coming from. In this case, Eric Trump, Donald Trump and the right-wing media. Period. That was not the case in Katrina, or the Middle Eastern example you cited. I guess it's just the evil Liberal Media at work again. :roll:

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:43 pm
by Tunnelcat
It's not retribution, it's about being fair. If you want to complain about the other guy's mistakes, don't go whining when your guy makes the same mistake. :wink:

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:46 pm
by woodchip
Slick is doing his level best to deflect and excuse Obama. What he is trying to make you forget is Obama really does look bad and by fiat, rubs off on Hillary.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:10 pm
by callmeslick
wait and see Obama's positives rise again next month.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:17 pm
by Vander
"Looks bad" and "is bad" are not the same thing. The problem is "looks bad" more neatly fits into our sound bite culture. You don't have to explain "looks bad." People claim to want their politicians to tell them "the truth" and "be honest" but they often don't have the attention span to move beyond a sound bite. Nuance produces sound bites without context which are pounced on and reacted to by the public. We are effectively training nuance and expressed consideration out of our politicians, who we then hate because they behave superficially.

It's darkly comical. We want them to change, but it's us that has to change.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:30 pm
by callmeslick
Vander, that was a nicely fleshed out description of what I merely hinted at above. If you want things to work their best, focusing on how they look in 45 seconds of edited video and catchphrases really isn't the best approach.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:12 pm
by Spidey
What a load, the fact is…no level of criticism is acceptable when it comes to Obama, even if it is just about appearance.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:08 pm
by Ferno
woodchip wrote:Slick is doing his level best to deflect and excuse Obama. What he is trying to make you forget is Obama really does look bad and by fiat, rubs off on Hillary.
Obama could wipe your ass personally and you'd still find a reason to ★■◆●.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:08 pm
by Vander
Spidey wrote:the fact is…no level of criticism is acceptable when it comes to Obama, even if it is just about appearance.
It's shallow criticism when it's about appearance to the exclusion of anything more meaningful. Like this thread from last year. I know I won't get points for being consistent because they're both Democrats, though.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:55 am
by Tunnelcat
Vander wrote:"Looks bad" and "is bad" are not the same thing. The problem is "looks bad" more neatly fits into our sound bite culture. You don't have to explain "looks bad." People claim to want their politicians to tell them "the truth" and "be honest" but they often don't have the attention span to move beyond a sound bite. Nuance produces sound bites without context which are pounced on and reacted to by the public. We are effectively training nuance and expressed consideration out of our politicians, who we then hate because they behave superficially.

It's darkly comical. We want them to change, but it's us that has to change.
Once most people get into a nice comfortable rut, they won't change because they're either too fat and happy to notice or too tired and distracted to care ........ until things get so bad, it affects their everyday sheltered lives and they're forced to change.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:50 pm
by Tunnelcat
Maybe we'll be forced into changing our lives sooner than we think. :wink: ... nce-2016-8

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:14 pm
by callmeslick
uh, TC, I posted that one over a week ago, in its own thread.

Re: While LA Drowns

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:28 pm
by Tunnelcat
Sorry about that. Too many posts about climate change and I sometimes can't keep track. :mrgreen: