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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:17 pm
by KoolBear

Look's great! I want one :)

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:04 am
by Valin Halcyon
Eww...I'm with Deidel. Where's the pure C++ option so it can be ported to other platforms? I'm sure the Linux fellows like myself would like a nice Launcher too. C++ is easier than VB by a wide margin anyway. ;)

However, nice idea and good job! Now just to get some more commandline handles for you to tie options to. ..hinthint..


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:36 pm
by D3Phoenix
Koolbear!! I'm honored 8) lol
Valin Halcyon wrote:C++ is easier than VB by a wide margin anyway. ;)
Not when you have used VB for as long as I have. Converting is difficult -- right now I am taking a java class, and yes -- higher level languages are better in many ways, but I wouldn't say easier. VB is the ultimate of lazy coding languages :P

C++ WOULD be nice, particularly since .NET is giving me crap about creating a standalone EXE. And there seems to be NO WAY of alleviating the dependency on .NET 2.0.

I am pretty much done, and I have implemented just about every option D2X supports that is not obsolete, and there is a space to put in any others that you may need (similar to the D3 launcher commandline box)

I am considering... *grumble* moving everything off to VB6 in order to get my simple standalone EXE that I want (I REFUSE to force people to 'install' this -- i want it to be able to be copied by folder and run from CD if need be.) -- I had considered Java, but then there is once again the issue of making it standalone without the JRE...

So, if anybody wants to hop on AIM or MSN and help me out with C++ when need be, I'd be happy to move it over. Any reccomendations for good sites for intermediate to advanced programmers wanting switch to C?? -- I know all the fundamentals of OOP, I just need to learn the 'syntactical dialect' of the language, since all programming languages operate on the same principles when you take them apart.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:41 pm
by KoolBear

Did you get your Email? I sent yesterday?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:15 pm
by D3Phoenix
Nope... retry -- it's D3Phoenix on just a plain old account. (thinking of which, i haven't gotten ANYTHING on that account in a while... hrmm...)

Edit: AHH! How DARE they!?!? Apparently \"\" is a spam-blocked domain.... GRRR. *fixes*
Reading email....

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:09 pm
by D3Phoenix
Just to let everyone know, my little project is not dead, and no, I have not fallen off the face of the planet :P

I've had several college/scholarship essays come up and I'm rapidly approaching finals, so everything else (especially gaming and programming) has been put on hold. Hopefully I'll be back in active discussion on these forums soon; see you all then.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:14 am
by Diedel
Good luck and see ya. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:55 pm
by D3Phoenix
Ooooooh guuuyyyys......


.... And the D2X launcher is certifiably functional on my machine. It's compiled and ready for beta testers. (Only 9X/NT/2K/XP supported at the moment, as it was made in VB6. Chances are that it will run under WINE on linux, though, and I have absolutely no clue about macs)

Anybody care to host the beta for a bit? Later I'll need hosting for the final release as well.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:51 pm
by d3jake
This may've been covered and it may be too late. Anyway, what if you were able to switch between multiple .ini files (for the switches). I can't really think up a really good reason for this, but maybe if multiple pilots use the same computer, then they can have seperate .ini files.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:02 pm
by D3Phoenix
Actually, The way I have it designed, it always writes the settings before launching to .\\d2x.ini -- where '.' of course is the launcher's exe folder. This way, you can keep the launcher in the root of the d2x-xl folder and have the settings made default, OR you can keep the launcher in its own folder and it will automatically tell d2x to ignore the d2x.ini in the d2 folder, and instead point it to the copy it just wrote.

Of course, you also have the option of just copying one from the launcher folder when you want it made default...

Also, note that multiple profiles are supported, easily switchable by selecting a drop down box.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:22 am
by Diedel
Please send the launcher to karx11erx at gmail dot com.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:20 am
by D3Phoenix
Will do 8)

Just realized a minor problem... you can type in the combo box where the profile names are, and it seriously messes with the profiles.ini file... I'll have to bugfix it this afternoon before I send it to ya. Apparently there are still a few minor glitches that I have yet to fix. Ah, well. It's still in beta, after all.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:54 pm
by d3jake
Hey! Cool! I can't wait for the realise!