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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:16 pm
by Gold Leader
Krom wrote:Did you even read the second half of that post? I assume since you didn't actually answer anything in the entire post that it is because you are unable to come up with an answer to anything in that post. Please prove me wrong and actually come up with a real response. I will consider any points you have to make. If you insist on talking about the ball and whose court it is in, that last response is equivalent to having the ball bounce off of your face.

nah didn't bother really and to be honest my topic is reuined allready, so pointless to proceed, I have deleted a few of my posts, dunno why I suppose I do strange things when I loose my mind

Mission Failed here

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:25 pm
by MD-2389
Obi-Wan Kenobi wrote:You got pwned by a 3dfx Pro


Dude, you suck. You can't even form a conherent arguement. I've gone out of my way to help you. Hell, I've left plenty of tips for you to atleast TRY to back yourself up with supporting evidence. You've done nothing but go on with crap like "these nVidiots" "nVidia sucks!" "They stole their tech from 3dfx!" "3dfx is the best there ever was, best there is, and best there ever will be!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone" without a single shred of supporting evidence. You sir are a grade A MORON. You had your chance, and you FAILED MISERABLY!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:55 pm
by Krom
Obi-Wan: I have neither the power nor the desire to ban you from the DBB at all, and I don't think anyone else would want to ban you either; this is not that kind of community. Next time try not to take things so personally, just take a deep breath, sprinkle a little pixie dust and think *happy thoughts*.
