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Where do you buy car emblems/badges?

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:21 am
by []V[]essenjah
Well, as many know, I own an 89 Nissan hatchback and recently, I'm trying to do some upkeep to the exterior and interior as it is starting to have problems.

Anyway, I have to re-paint the hood completely as the paint is chipping off very badly. It doesn't seem to be doing this anywhere else on the car. Anyway, as I don't want to re-paint the entire car and it is a tad bit expensive to paint it the original color, which would probably be hard to match as it has never been re-painted and has become a bit faded, I am looking at sanding off the entire hood and re-painting it black. The normal color of the car is champaign but I have black siding, mirrors and bumpers. In the future, I may just repaint the whole car. Anyway, I would like to add something to the hood that looks classy and would give the car a little personality. I like the newer Nissan logo so I figured, hey why don't I look around the net to see if I can find someone that would sell one to me. But I can't seem to locate anyone that I know is trustworthy that could sell me one emblem/badge for a decent price. I saw some gold badging on the nissan site but it is expensive and all I want is a simple, small, chrome emblem to place in the middle/front of my hood after I re-paint it. Anyway, would anyone know where I could get one?

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:54 pm
by Top Wop
Local junkyard.

Just find one off of another Nissan and pry it off then glue it on to your own car. SHouldn't cost more than 8 bucks.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:26 pm
by Vindicator
x2 on the junkyard idea. eBay of course should prove useful. Also, look around for Nissan-specific forums and post in their buy/sell forums. People debadge their cars quite a bit (at least Nissan owners do), and you might be able to get one for a few bucks shipped.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:08 pm
contact your local Nissan dealership, they might be able to turn you onto a NOS stock dealer

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:16 am
by Aus-RED-5
When I worked at Prestige Ford Parts department in Garland, TX.
We had lots of different badges for all year model Fords.

A Nissan Dealership's Parts Department should have badges. If not they should be able to order you one. ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:06 am
by Kiran
MTV, Pimp My Ride! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:00 pm
by Top Wop
Kiran wrote:MTV, Pimp My Ride! :wink:
Messenger is actually a good candidate for the show. So not a bad idea. :P

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:52 am
by []V[]essenjah
LOL, IS and WAS are two different things. Besides, my car isn't worth it. Most of the cars on that show are at least better cars.

Point is, I plan on doing a LOT of dating soon so I would like to make my car presentable enough to drive a college level girl around. :) Not that they wouldn't anyway as most girls don't care what car you drive but it is nice to have a vehicle you feel confident about.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:32 am
by Testiculese
[]V[]essenjah wrote:... I plan on doing hope to do a LOT of dating ...
You will only get as many dates as the women allow. All you can do is hope. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:45 am
by Vindicator
And you plan on getting the chicks with your p1mp spray-painted hood? Nice. At least paint it black to look like carbon fiber :P

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:17 pm
by []V[]essenjah
No, I plan on saving money with my spray painted hood. Besides, my Dad is one of the few in town that can do it fairly well and have it look like it was done professionally from what I understand. I am going to see if I can afford to get it professionally done if I do all the sanding myself.

I don't need a car to get \"chicks\".

Besides, I like girls better than poultry ;)

And lets see, the point your trying to make here is that having a Nissan logo on a Nissan is.... rice? Corrrect? Last I checked, it was still a Nissan and um, having a Nissan doesn't make you a rice-boy unless you actually try to make it look like something that it isn't. Man, you know, some people need to grow up. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:24 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Testiculese wrote:
[]V[]essenjah wrote:... I plan on doing hope to do a LOT of dating ...
You will only get as many dates as the women allow. All you can do is hope. :)

LOL, well I'm in a particular church group where we HAVE to date. In the LDS religion, when you reach a certain age, you join a singles ward where you date. Otherwise, we get set up with girls by the ward president by default. Not to mention, for a few years, I didn't want to date any girls, even though a lot of them took interest in me. Anyway, I'm opening myself up again and decided to go out and date.

But your point is certainly valid, and the ones that do date you don't generally care what you drive. Hell, you could even be riding a bike for all they care as long as you can get from point A to point B.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:00 pm
by Sting_Ray
I got an old Corvette Stingray emblem you could buy off me. Would be a perfect addition to any ricer.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:04 pm
by []V[]essenjah
So, how much would it cost for you to stop being a dick? ;)

I don't want a Vette emblem. I want a Nissan emblem. My car is a Nissan. See, Nissan's aren't like Vettes. They are slow and cheap and for smart people who know that speed means nothing when law doesn't permit you to go over 75 mph anyway. Not to mention, gas is cheaper so I can afford a better PC for developing 3D art, not to mention, courses that will asist me in increasing the required skills to use that brand new PC.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:54 pm
by []V[]essenjah
By the way, in case you are wondering, this process is actually about de-ricing my car. Yes, when I first got the car about three years ago I put some stripes on the hood and some stupid green lights that I haven't even turned on for about 2 1/2 years because I discovered I didn't like them.

The idea is to rip out the lights, sand the stripes and the chipped paint off from the hood (for some reason only the hood has problems with the paint going bad) and clean up the mess to go for something a little more grown up. :) I have hated those stripes for the past couple of years. Yes, it was a screw-up but we all do that sometimes as kids. I wanted to go with the same color but yes, I am probably going to go for black and save the money so that I can get some dancing lessons, which is what girls REALLY like. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:45 am
by Sting_Ray
Someone buy the kid some Vagina desander... he's got a a whole beach in his box!

I was just kidding.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:39 am
by Vindicator
[]V[]essenjah wrote:And lets see, the point your trying to make here is that having a Nissan logo on a Nissan is.... rice? Corrrect? Last I checked, it was still a Nissan and um, having a Nissan doesn't make you a rice-boy unless you actually try to make it look like something that it isn't. Man, you know, some people need to grow up. :D
Was that directed at me? If so, wtf? Show me where I called you a ricer.

My point with the hood is that its hard to make a rattlecan paint job look good, especially on a huge flat surface like a hood, especially when the rest of the car is a different color. Black matches everything, though :D

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:51 pm
by Top Wop
Sting_Ray wrote:Someone buy the kid some Vagina desander... he's got a a whole beach in his box!

I was just kidding.

Messenger no one is calling you a ricer.

If you want a decent ride, save up some money and buy up a used 92-95 Bonneville. They are affordable, dependable, easy to fix, and give a GREAT comfortable ride (its also known for having large legroom in the back, so you get lots room back there for some real fun. LOL! :P )

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:20 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Hehe, saving up for a decent car is the plan. This is just a patch in the meantime. She runs just fine and I haven't had any problems thus far other than the usual upkeep and some small issues with the paint. I should be able to get a better job and start saving for a decent car this next Spring. Right now I'm just trying to keep enough in my pocket to patch things up and move out. :)

Then I should be able to enjoy the pleasures of saving up for my own car, dating a wider range of college girls, LAN parties, and high speed internet. :D

Hehe, sorry Stingy, I usually can take things like that better but on another forum a guy took a remark I made as an insult so he has been running around slandering my name all over the Oblivion message boards because he couldn't take a tiny, sarcastic remark and took it to heart. :P Fortunatly, no one likes him anymore. :)

I know what you guys mean by canned spray paint. But my Dad claims he can pull it off. We are looking at a few other alternatives right now. He knows a few people that might be willing to paint it for fairly cheep. It's nice having a Dad with... connections. ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:17 pm
by Top Wop
Maaco will do it for you for a couple hundred. But I like the buy-25-spray-cans-and-do-it-yourself type dealy.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:21 am
by []V[]essenjah
TW, know a guy who professionally paints cars who would paint the entire car for $300 if I sanded the whole car myself. My hood is very small. It takes maybe 2-3 cans to paint a hood that size. :) Estimated cost: $15 plus sandpaper. :P