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Descent "The Original - 10 Years Stong"

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:42 pm
by Sup
Descent BB: "The Original Community Forum" 10 Years Strong

(Some History Behind Our Site)

The Descent Bulletin Board (, or DBB) was founded almost 10 years ago in 1997. We were the first privately owned web-based bulletin board to serve the community of Descent players worldwide.

In fact: we were one of the first private web-based bulletin boards totally devoted to multiplayer gaming of any kind. During the mid 90's web-based bulletin boards were still a fairly new concept.

At that time the majority of gaming conversations were taking place on USENET groups (like However these groups were notoriously lacking in useful information and truly knowledgable posters. Spam and idiocy drove many of the best players away

We built as an alternative to Because Descent was an amazing game. And we felt it deserved a place for hardcore fans of all ages to get together, share knowledge, start gaming groups, form friendships and grow the sport of both Descent and multiplayer gaming

Over time achieved those goals and more. The membership quickly grew into the thousands and we became well known as the de-facto worldwide community hub for Descent and Descent players. And over time other gaming communities saw what we had done here and followed suit

Among many other things we provided forums here on the board for Parallax Software, Violition and Outrage to allow real communication between hardcore gamers and the developers of Descent and Freespace games. The developers used this feedback to influence the design of the games.

And so in a very real way we were also one of the first privately owned gaming communities to give the fans that kind of direct impact on the games they loved to play in quite that way, and allow developers the chance to give the players exactly what they wanted.

Countless LAN games, clans, websites, great friendships, even marriages ... many of these things would have never happened without Although the last Descent game was released years ago the board is still here and its impact is still felt.

So we are proud of the history of this board - its innovation - its impact on a great game - and the friendships we have made possible.

Thanks for stopping by the DBB!

Josh 'Sup' Von Co-Founder
Site Concept and Design

PS: And thanks to all those that worked hard over the years to keep the board going strong! You know who you are!
