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2007 Modeling Reel

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:02 pm
by Cyclone

DivX (highest quality) ...

wmv (medium quality) ... g_Reel.wmv

quicktime (medium quality) ...

Well I finally got my demo reel finished. crits and comments are welcomed. Thanks. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:23 am
by Radman
Wow, very nice presentation.

It's kind of hard to comment on this not knowing what stage you are at in your perspective career and what kinda of employment or freelance you are wishing to do. AS for presentation, and timing with the music you chose, I'd say you are better then most of my associates that have moved on to retail game studios. The only negative comment I have is your head bust. I think if you are using this reel as part of a portfolio then I'd loose the head and maybe include it again after you have added either zbrush or mudbox to your \"proficient software\" section. It's a little too WIP imo and definately will not impress anyone that has seen a charactor model in a game since 2001.

I think the reel would be outstanding after the head removed. It would also help shorten it up a bit for your perspective employer. The normal mapping on your butterfly I think holds it's own merit on your ability to produce displacement maps. Let them guess (based on that) how good you would be at life-like character modelling.

Just my 2ยข

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:19 pm
by Cyclone
Thanks for the feedback :)

For employment I'm looking for full/part time or freelance work.

I agree with the head. Its not my strongest model. It was my first attempt at a human head and I wanted to show that I could model a head if asked to. I kinda took a chance with it but I guess I shouldn't have put it in untill it was finished.

The moth actually didn't use normal mapping :) I used like 5 different maps for the texturing including displacment.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:53 am
by Gekko71
as soneone who asesses portfolios as part of their day job, ...I always judge freelancers on their worst pieces of work too, not just their best.

But I agree with Radman - good job!