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Descent Mission Database [Re-Released]

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:34 am
by Sniper
I just thought I'd let everyone know that the DMDB is back online. It was released about a year ago, but I fell ill and lost everything.

I'm very sorry I couldn't archive all of your user accounts, missions, and statistics. All data, even the database structure was lost.

I spent all of new years eve recreating it all in hopes to restore it. I have even better hosting now, so I've opened up the screenshot size (I know that was a big issue last time).

So please, sign up again, and post all of your wonderful missions!

I have tried to contact Koolbear in hopes of a forum opening up here for the DMDB; to post bugs etc. For now you can contact me here on the forums by PM or you can email me blackf0rk at gmail dot com.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:33 pm
by DarkFlameWolf
Awesome work Sniper! I've already uploaded the three big sets I was involved in, so those should be worthy additions to the database. I'll later come back through and clean up with the rest of my multiplayer endeavors. But for now, the single player sets are up.
This should actually be stickied, isn't Descent the reason we were even here in the first place? :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:34 am
by Neptin
*claps* Hopefully we'll see a lot more missions popping up on there

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:31 am
by DarkFlameWolf
this should be pinned/stickied, whatever. This is a very good database that people should help setup with Sniper. At the very least, port this over to Level Spotlight. This is great for the Descent Community.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:45 am
by Sniper
DarkFlameWolf wrote:..database that people should help setup with Sniper.
Any help whatsoever is much appreciated!
DarkFlameWolf wrote:...port this over to Level Spotlight. This is great for the Descent Community.
That's point of it. Hopefully it'll grow into the next "spot" for people to see what's new with Descent missions, and hopefully resurrect some life into the community or, at least, keep it going.

It's also great in the fact that you can add levels to a favorites list and keep updated as to when they're updated.

A few new features off the top of my heads that are coming:

- Add comments/reviews to each level (for members)
- Email notification when your favorite levels are updated
- Multiple screenshots
- Freespace support (?)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:58 pm
by zico
Just released Cubes Unlimited for DXX-Rebirth website. With this database I won't need it anymore. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:25 pm
by Pumo
Really good news here. I'm glad to know that the DMDB has returned! :D

I will post my levels there as soon as i can :)

BTW, just as a side comment, can someone upload levels/missions from other authors? e.g. some great missions from Luke Schneider or Kruel are worthy to be on the DB, but they (the authors) are not by here (the community) anymore, so how can their missions be added on?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:14 pm
by DarkFlameWolf
I agree, there is a bunch of golden missions that I'd like to post up there but I can't, it'd list me as their author.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:56 pm
by Sniper
I will brainstorm a way to go about doing this as best as possible.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:41 am
by zico
Maybe we could implement those \"golden missions\" if you can submit missions with fields a la:
\"submitter: NAME\" (which would be the account name of the user uploading the mission)
\"author: LUKE SCHNEIDER\" (the name of the original author - must be entered be the uploader and ... of course ... should be entered with ORIGINAL information instead of claiming the level being your own)

Another thing I would like to see for the ALL LEVELS listing (which I wrote Sniper already via mail) would be a \"filter\" where you can select if you only want to see:
- D1, D2, D3 levels
- the type - aka - SP, MP
- probably more like author and such (but not really necessary depending on how complicated this would be)
With such filters you could browse all your preferred D2 SP leels - for example - without clicking all tru the list and scroll along all othe rmissions you do not want to see ... if you get my idea.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:13 am
by Sniper
Zico and I have teamed up to bring the community some awesome features to the DMDB; and beyond! Stay tuned 8)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:04 pm
by Sniper
Just released a new version with a bunch of bug fixes and enhancements. More to come!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:27 am
by DarkFlameWolf
In addition to being able to submit other Descent level sets for other authors who are no longer with the community without taking credit for the upload yourself (big feature needing implementing!) we also should have a better organization function. Because right now, its scanning through page by page of alphabetical descent listings. We should have select database filtering for viewers. For example, if I only want to see Descent 1 missions that are single player, I can click on a few options, hit 'search' (or whatever) and it'll bring back a list of only my search criteria. This will greatly help the viewing of the database list, especially once it gets rather large with 200+ missions.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:20 am
by Sniper
Filtering by game and mission type is coming soon. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:34 pm
by DarkFlameWolf
its broke, can't upload the last level I wanted to do. Isn't how it always happens? You're just about done and it goes kaput on you. I sent you a more detailed PM about my problems, but right now, its not accepting anything more, but its still adding to my overall level total. Weird.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:40 pm
by Sniper
Yea. I got your PM. Probably happening to others as well. I'll take a look at what happened.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:23 am
by zico
Hmm come tot hink of it by the fact users could upload other authors missions:
Is there somethign like - at least - a filename-check which would prevent redundant uploads of the same mission by different users? (caused by mistake for example)

I guess this would be another thing to look for to *automate* the DB to keep it clean.

But don't feel stressed now, Sniper. I can relate how much work this all must be for you.
So all impatient users (if there are any): Be patient and report your bugs. His project is fresh, it's new, it needs work. Works best with your Feedback and patience.
I think DMDB is really great and deserves a nice future.


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:22 am
by Sniper
I've made a fix in the upload process that fixes errors when people saved or added missions with a single quote in the name; not sure how I overlooked this. :roll:

Anyways, I think that may have been peoples problems. However, I don't know since no one will send me the level they're trying to upload that causes the problem.

I've done my own testing with uploading levels and I don't get any more errors. However if people still continue to get errors I cannot fix it until someone sends me the ZIP/RAR file their using and a report as to what they exactly did to get the error.
zico wrote:Is there somethign like - at least - a filename-check which would prevent redundant uploads of the same mission by different users? (caused by mistake for example)

Yes Zico, redundant mission name checking is in place.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
by Sniper
The previous errors were confirmed by several DMDB users. The errors have been fixed. In the process, I found another error with uploading/saving misions as the D2X-XL type; this has also been fixed.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:50 pm
by DarkFlameWolf
so when are we getting the ability to post others level sets without taking credit for them?