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Never been on Twitter

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:47 pm
by dissent
Am I missing something?

Bah! Twitter is useless.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:26 am
by Duper

It's a bit narcissistic. Just another toy for crackberries.

It's just another way to \"stay in touch\" .. like we need more. Pagers, back in the day, were bad enough and were labeled \"electronic chains\". ... now we can't wait to give out privacy away and have hundreds faun over it.


I'll pass. Facebook .. why do we NEED facebook? wasn't myspace bad enough or is it not shiny enough now?

Naw dissent. you aren't missing a thing ... except maybe Meghan McCain's cleavage. ;) .. and you can see that HERE

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:08 am
by Zantor
I have stayed away from Twitter and Facebook so I don't get caught up any more into the information exchange hype that already exists. I'll make do with email and instant messaging.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:39 am
by Isaac
Every time I see a politician, or news network, using twitter. I get the impression they're trying to show how much on the cutting edge they are. Like a sixty year old, white guy, going for the hip hop gangster look, to impress his students. Except in this case, the less you know about communicating electronically, the more you respect twitter.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:25 am
by Sniper
I run my own radio station online, and use twitter post updates out to my fans. I put the feed on my Web page and it's quicker than a blog. After all, who really wants to read through a huge blog post? Just gimme the facts.

And that's what I think it's useful for. Business-type information to keep people up to date. That usefulness has been stretched to people. And now, people are people stretched by it - for their time. :)

It is very unnecessary. But I'll tell you one thing...if you're looking for an answer to a question like \"Is flickr down? Did it just go down? Why?\" - Google isn't going to have the answer. It can index all the blogs fast enough. But if you search twitter, you get a live feed of your search and you see all the people posting and communicating about how it is down for them and what people find. Pretty cool.

So you don't have to subscribe to the ideal- but you can still use it to your advantage.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:09 am
by Burlyman
Who the heck is Meghan McCain? :P

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:08 pm
by Lothar
A friend of mine is a sportswriter for a small local paper, and he uses twitter to post scoring updates at whatever match he's watching, as well as commentary on players and coaches -- who looks good, who looks nervous, etc. I can see the usefulness of that -- reporting something real-time that an interested party might not get to find out about until later otherwise.

I also understand using twitter to give basic updates like \"I'm going to such-and-such area\" (to connect with friends or fans in that area) or to explain how a particular project is going (if people have reason to care; friends of mine occasionally pass on tweets from a pro sports team front office guy regarding workouts, trade contacts, etc.)

One of the dangers of social media -- whether twitter, facebook, or forums like the DBB -- is that we're used to thinking within specific social contexts, and those media can mix those contexts. You might be the sort to unwind with your buddies and complain about work, and you might take it to facebook, but if your boss is one of your facebook friends, that could spell disaster. Or you might, like me, simply have friends from a lot of walks of life whose joint participation in a discussion could turn ugly.

(By the way, Duper, Facebook is MUCH better than myspace. Myspace is like Geocities for the new millennium, complete with annoying embedded sound, ugly backgrounds, bad page layouts, etc. Facebook is the sort of site where you can legitimately keep in touch with family and friends; the site itself is clean and simple. I haven't logged in to myspace in ages, but I've got facebook active pretty much every day, communicating with everyone from my mother-in-law to a former pastor to my apartment manager.)


Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:30 pm
by VonVulcan
Lothar wrote:
(By the way, Duper, Facebook is MUCH better than myspace. Myspace is like Geocities for the new millennium, complete with annoying embedded sound, ugly backgrounds, bad page layouts, etc. Facebook is the sort of site where you can legitimately keep in touch with family and friends; the site itself is clean and simple. I haven't logged in to myspace in ages, but I've got facebook active pretty much every day, communicating with everyone from my mother-in-law to a former pastor to my apartment manager.)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:15 am
by Duper
meh, I'm genetically a hermit. ;)

Thanks for the clarification though.