Arizona Being sued by the US justice deprtment.

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Arizona Being sued by the US justice deprtment.

Post by VonVulcan »

My cuz sent me this, I happen to agree.

hereafter is for everyone, every
where - 07/06/2010.

With no transition, we will find out if the Arizona deal is a friendly
suit or real... if the State lets the Justice Department prevail; then
the statute and the case are a fraud...

are there any people, groups, attorneys who would be willing to file :

friend of the court briefs ?
inter pleaders ?
ex parte actions ?
criminal charges involving/against the US AG for using his office, his
bar license, and the US court system to aid and abet illegal alien
[RICO] criminals in the continuation and perfection of, their illegal
alien criminal Hate Crimes; as well as, the illegal alien criminals
gross and minor Public \"F/S/C/M/ [Parks, public and private lands
Trespass], crimes... O !

and their [RICO] misdemeanor and felony : Immigration and Environmental crimes.

The US Ag is using his office, license, the resources of the US
Department of Justice, and the US court system to abridge the mandates
of title 18 USC generally and specifically at the stipulation that
\"nothing in the constitution, laws, statutes of the states with
standing\" ...hummm... and did I read that in Article 6.

People everywhere should be asking Sotmeyor and Kagan for 'their LEGAL
opinions'... direct legal and political moves, like such askings, will
expose the true corrupt nature of tweedel dee and tweedel dum within
the Nomination process.

I would like to find some people who actually want to do something...
specifically have the government employees who are using their offices
for - to aid and abet criminal activities arrested, indicted,
prosecuted and when convicted jailed and then civilly sued to

Let me ask you this \"would you and the people who support government
by law and/or most of the people who support the Marxist Hate America
Mongers [now in power] allow the Attorney General to be an attorney
who used to work for the Mafia ????

To answer my own question 'I think not.'

which brings up my second Question \"why do we allow an attorney, who
was [his behavior indicating he may still be] an employed Agent of the
Terrorists to then occupy the Office of the Attorney General of the
United States ? Mafia or Terrorist employer - what is the difference
??? and then,

why do we let that previously paid terrorist legal agent use the
Offices, manpower, resources of the US Attorney General's Office to
Wage Legal A WAR against/on the States and Border Police with the
intention of keeping the borders open... as he knows, ensuring the
free and unfettered passage of his 'Terrorist Hate America Masters'
their other murdering Toadies and Henchmen : illegal alien criminal
pawns and the other usual drug pushers.

feel free to post this everywhere and send it to everyone in the
country - all over the world... maybe there are some people out there
who will actually stop whining and start taking meaningful legal
action - meaningful political action.

Bringing the criminals occupying the office of our governments to
Justice in regular Courts of Law is the first order of the day... the
first requirement if America is to survive. If Justice cannot be had;
then, we are lost.

Enjoy the Day !!!
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Post by woodchip »

No fear, Sotomayor is a wise Latino women who will know best how to fix the situation and bring Holder to task.
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