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Moving Outside B-Nodes

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:14 am
by TrueLightGuild
I am sure some people know this, but in case you don't, you can move outside Bnodes to where even if you have a lot of obstructive terrain, they will connect to each other.

You can go to world view in the path mode, and find the outside Bnode connecting to an entrance to a mine. Click on that Bnode ( in AI Bnodes path mode ) and then go to the room view, with world view showing so you can see the Bnode.
You then use room view to move that Bnode anywhere on the terrain.( in AI Bnodes path mode ) You can move it out from the entrance, and up above the terrain ( make sure the Bnode in the entrance can see the outside Bnode.
Someone told me that you can add Bnodes outside by selecting a terrain block and then insert it, but I have never tried that one.
I think Bnodes are too touchy, and so are game paths. They crash the editor if you happen to hit the wrong keys.