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Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:54 pm
by woodchip
Just checked National Weather for my area and it is 99 deg. (Michigan) How are the rest of you holding up?

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:16 pm
by Isaac
I have to bring a jacket and and beenie because all the rooms on campus are freaking freezing, no matter how hot it is outside. *Warming my hands on my laptop* In the winter its the exact opposite.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:46 pm
by Avder
The last two weeks up here in Fargo it was between 91 and 100+ with heat indexes up to 115.

Today its a downright bearable 85. My AC isn't working nearly as hard anymore :)

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:56 pm
by TigerRaptor
95 to a 100 degree weather here. Haven't had the chance to bike or jog this week.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:08 pm
by Tunnelcat
Your guy's misery is our air-conditioned summer. We've had only temps up into the 70's and a few 80's with a few days of light rain here in the NW. Almost a bummer, but I'm not griping. That big high pressure area in the middle of the country doesn't want to move, so you guys get roasted. :mrgreen:

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:21 pm
by Avder
tunnelcat wrote:Your guy's misery is our air-conditioned summer. We've had only temps up into the 70's and a few 80's with a few days of light rain here in the NW. Almost a bummer, but I'm not griping. That big high pressure area in the middle of the country doesn't want to move, so you guys get roasted. :mrgreen:
I think I can speak for everyone east of the rockies when I say "★■◆● you" and "the west coast doesn't count".

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:41 pm
by CDN_Merlin
114f or 47c here. I roller bladed home today :D

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:56 pm
by Tunnelcat
Avder wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Your guy's misery is our air-conditioned summer. We've had only temps up into the 70's and a few 80's with a few days of light rain here in the NW. Almost a bummer, but I'm not griping. That big high pressure area in the middle of the country doesn't want to move, so you guys get roasted. :mrgreen:
I think I can speak for everyone east of the rockies when I say "**** you" and "the west coast doesn't count".
I wasn't gloating per se, well, maybe a little. :mrgreen: You'll get your schadenfreude come August, when we usually bake on the West Coast and the forests burn.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:54 pm
by Top Gun
I didn't set a toe outside today. I considered it a wise choice.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:06 am
by Sirius
Holding up fine, don't think we've broken 80 degrees this year, around 60-70 as of late, plenty of cloud cover, occasional light rain. It's basically still spring. But I'd rather have this than long stretches of 100+ weather. It's at least tolerable.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:10 am
by Jeff250
Only 100 degrees? Noobs. :P

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:21 am
by Flatlander
Normal summer weather down here in Floriduh.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:43 am
by AceCombat
GA is hitting upper 90's and mid 70's at night

whats the deal with Minnesota ?

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:54 am
by Thenior
In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, around 95, but so humid.

I'm used to dry west coast heat.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:28 pm
by dissent
It's a "heat dome", y'all.
"When a high pressure system develops in the upper atmosphere, the air below it sinks and compresses because there's more weight on top, causing temperatures in the lower atmosphere to heat up," he tells the news agency. "The dome of high pressure also pushes the jet stream and its drier, cooler air, farther north — it's now well into Canada — while hot, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico circulates clockwise around the dome, traveling farther inland than normal."

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:45 pm
by Top Gun

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:48 pm
by Isaac
dissent wrote:It's a "heat dome", y'all.
aka hurricane force field.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:04 pm
by snoopy

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:25 am
supposed to be hot in Portland today. the hottest day of the Year, a high of 85 :P

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:54 am
by flip
Yeah high 90's here in GA. I've been taking my boys out for yard work around 1:30 for 2-3 hours. The 15 year old puked and the 11 year old said he was having a heart attack. LOL. Stay in school boys and girls :P.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:19 am
by Avder
flip wrote:Yeah high 90's here in GA. I've been taking my boys out for yard work around 1:30 for 2-3 hours. The 15 year old puked and the 11 year old said he was having a heart attack. LOL. Stay in school boys and girls :P.
I am not a doctor, but heat stroke is a very real thing.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:49 am
by fliptw
Yes, can be very fatal.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:04 pm
by flip
Heh yep. I've worked in it all my life and I was barely sweating that day, but If you stay hydrated you'll do ok. The oldest one learned to drink more slowly next time :P

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:41 pm
by Thenior
Seriously - if you're in Phoenix with the dry weather, then fine. But places like GA, you're body can't cool off. People die fairly often from it.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:20 pm
by flip
Yeah that's why people should acclimate themselves to it. You think it's hot now? You should frame up all the outside walls on a house while the sun beats down on you. Temps jump up considerably then. Easily 130 degrees. Work for 30 minutes and break for 15 :). My kids will not die from being weak and normal summer exposure and even though it's hot as hell here, everyday they last longer in it. The problem is not the heat, it's people not knowing how to deal with it. Drink plenty of fluids and never let yourself dry up. When you start feeling dizzy, go find a waterhose and soak your neck for a few minutes, good as new :). I hope to accomplish 2 things with this, First and foremost, that my kids will hate hard work and stay in school with a real sense of what that kind of work means. Second, that they don't become so damn weak that they fall over and die just from going outside when it's hot. I've spent over 23 years in the hot georgia summer and in single digit cold while the wind was blaring. The cold hurts worse :P

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:59 pm
by Avder
Uhhh....again, I am not a doctor, but if you are starting to feel dizzy, you are pushing yourself too hard in the heat.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:01 pm
by flip
Lol, yep. It's called feeding the family. Get used to it. I've had many a college graduate that couldn't find a job working for me and I've killed no one yet :P I have had them whine, hide and complain like bitches though. Dude it's the weather and the climate, if you can't hack it move to better conditions, otherwise, get being a pussy and make your self able to cope with it. That means your gonna have to be uncomfortable for awhile until your able to withstand it.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:16 am
by Top Gun
Flip, that's the same attitude that's seen football players collapse and die on the practice field from heat stroke. Your body gives you warning signs for a reason, and ignoring them is the absolute worst thing you can do. "Making yourself" do something that can easily cause you severe physical harm is asinine.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:12 am
by flip
Lol, TG, you are something else. You have no idea what your talking about, yet call me asinine. WHATACUNTRY. LOL. It's called conditioning, and I never said ignore warning signs. I told you in 23 years, probably longer than you have been alive, I have killed no one :P. Dude, you should really stress yourself against those that have, you would find it humbling for sure. Is walking a 2x4 wall 3 stories in the air asinine too? because thats how your damn house got built, by people who "make themselves" do ★■◆● most others are too chicken ★■◆● to do.

Yall can kiss my country ass :)

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:23 am
by Avder
flip wrote:Lol, TG, you are something else. You have no idea what your talking about, yet call me asinine. WHATACUNTRY. LOL. It's called conditioning, and I never said ignore warning signs. I told you in 23 years, probably longer than you have been alive, I have killed no one :P. Dude, you should really stress yourself against those that have, you would find it humbling for sure. Is walking a 2x4 wall 3 stories in the air asinine too? because thats how your damn house got built, by people who "make themselves" do ★■◆● most others are too chicken ★■◆● to do.

Yall can kiss my country ass :)
No, TG is right. If youre pushing the kids that hard, to the point where theyre starting to get dizzy, you are pushing them to far. Getting dizzy means damage is being done somewhere such that something in their head isnt functioning right. The automotive equivalent would be redlining it. Sure you'll get more power and performance, but you'll end up blowing something out. And yes, conditioning is all well and good, but there is a point where you push too far, too fast. Slow the ★■◆● down and cut out the "country" toughness ego bull★■◆●. One of these days it will come back to haunt you.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:04 am
by flip
How can TG be right? I would bet neither one of you have an idea what it's like to work in the heat. Probably as soon as it gets hot, you run to yo momma's couch with some iced tea and play video games all day. When yall are all grown up, you will realize that the power company don't give a ★■◆● how hot it is. You guys are soft, admit it.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:01 am
by Isaac

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:19 am
by Krom
I've worked plenty out in the heat and I can handle myself framing, roofing, digging, trimming, or pushing a mower even in the upper 90s with high humidity, no wind and no shade. So that means that everyone, regardless of how physically (un)fit they are must also be able to do the same. Image

Flip, did you also teach your kids how to swim by throwing them into the ocean with an anchor? And do you plan on teaching them to drive by handing them the keys and telling them to get on the LA freeway during rush hour?

Managing ones body temperature is part of the job when you are working in extreme conditions. Perhaps if you had actually taught them how to properly match their pace to their physical fitness so they could work without compromising their safety we wouldn't be calling your bull★■◆●.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:45 am
by flip
Well, first off your calling is ★■◆●, because you don't know ★■◆●. You guys assume you know more than you do and that makes me laugh at you :P. My kids are doing fine and wont end up like all you pussies :P LOL. I would bet 100 dollars none of you even have kids or have had anybody under your charge. You think it's easy to get people moving when it's hot? I started framing when I was 15, same age as my oldest is now. From morning till afternoon, hot or cold, I was there. I think it's funny as hell how riled you guys get over me saying I make my kids work 2-3 hours in the heat. I know your type. You last about 1 day and then quit because you can't hack it. It's too cold or too hot and my head hurts or some other weakass excuse, and then wanna jump my ass, WHO REALLY KNOWS, because I have CONTINUOUS YEARS in the weather. You guys are ridiculous thinking you know something about ★■◆● you have never done. Carry on.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:05 am
by Foil
Flip, I worked with my Dad in heat for multiple entire summers when I was a teenager. One week in particular I remember it being 110°F+ and humid every day.

There's a huge difference between:
  • "Dad, I'm hot! Why won't you go lemme stop for a while?!" (whining, he'd tell me to keep working)
  • "Dad, I'm starting to feel kinda dizzy..." (danger sign, he'd tell me to go get some water and find shade).
My Dad knew the difference.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:18 am
by flip
Yeah and so do I. This went off on a tangent at "my kids wrok in the sun". All the rest were assumptions based on personal experience I guess.
It's called conditioning, and I never said ignore warning signs
Is this unreasonable?
people should acclimate themselves
Does acclimate sound like throwing someone in the deep end?
Work for 30 minutes and break for 15
does this sound unreasonable?
When you start feeling dizzy, go find a waterhose and soak your neck for a few minutes, good as new
Does this sound unreasonable? Considering I've had to do this daily in the summer for years, I usually recognize it right away, which is why i told my son to go get a drink, his guzzling the water (noob mistake) is what made him throw it back up, but I said that too. I'm done answering unfounded assumptions that are actually dispelled by my own previously written words. I will add this. If you have not worked outside for many years, that makes me the expert here:) and I guess bruised my ego a little because I know EXACTLY what to do and how to do it. I was just making a little comment about using the heat to toughen and wisen my kids up a little bit, and everyone jumps to conclusions that they know exactly what's up. It's ridiculous.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:12 pm
by Krom
Well then next time you go to tell a story don't make it sound like "Haha I made my kids work in the heat till they almost collapsed from heat exhaustion." because when its told that way it isn't funny.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:41 pm
by flip
Whatever youngster, next time, don't jump to conclusions and be a dumbass by assuming I would actually take my children that I love and try and actually kill them. Most, having a little age, experience and kids of their own, probably understood right away what I was saying. Don't take your frustrations out on me.

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:56 pm
by flip
Let me put this another way so I don't seem to be an ★■◆●. You guys are trying to tell me, someone who is at least a few years older than you and has worked in the sun for some 20 odd years, that heat exhaustion kills. Yeah, no ★■◆●. Next time I assume it's a lighthearted comment. If I talk politics,everybody clams up and won't say ★■◆● :P

Re: Heat wave

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:18 pm
by Isaac
So how about that heat, eh?