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Release #3

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:38 pm
by sdfgeoff
Early and un-perfected is release #3 But I thought to release it before this project under-goes a large overhaul.

As Normal:
There are two parts two this game:
The container, an .exe and necessary .dll's for windows users to play the game. Once you have downloaded this once, the chance is that you will never need to download it again.

The other part is the data. This is the information files for the game, containing textures, sounds, maps and other such goodness. If you have blender then you will only need to download this, but if you don't want to get blender then you will have to get the container.
Note that Blender is cross-platform, so if you don't run windows you can still play it through blender. It will only work with blender versions 2.50-2.59. It will not run in blender 2.49 or less, and has a few errors in 2.60 and greater.

Features and Changes:
As with release two and...
  • A new (experimental) level
  • Buying and selling weapons
  • Far more intelligent AI
  • Better looking death
  • Fixed multiple bugs
  • A "New" turret (actually old, but never in the game before). It's on your team too!

Download LInk

Why this release is "early":
Before releasing this release I was planning to do several things, including finishing level 2, adding in the remaining secondaries and sorting out another briefing. However there are several major upcoming changes in this project that mean that now is the time to throw out a last release.
What's Happening:
  • Name Change to "DEEP Space" Information
  • Major re-working of the file/folder structure. This will mean that releases are not likely for quite some time.
Thus this is the "last" release of Defender, but the project will be continued. I will post links here to the new site when it is completed.

Re: Release #3

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:19 pm
by Isaac
Quickly getting this to try out!

Re: Release #3

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:24 pm
by Isaac

Not sure what to do. It's a bunch of blend files.

I need to install blender to get it working in Ubuntu?

Never mind. I thought it would be something I could try really quick before I get started on work. I guess I thought I could just run it from the zip file. I guess I'd have to learn blender first before figuring out how to play it within blender.

Re: Release #3

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:02 pm
by sdfgeoff
Nope, why oh why oh why does no-one read anything???

The writing clearly states that there are TWO parts.
The one with the blends in it is only half, the data half. To play it with just this much, yes, does require blender.

BUT because some people don't have, or know how to use blender, there is an exe file, in part two. Both can be downloaded from the sourceforge page. Just make sure that when you unzip it the "defender.exe" is in the same folder as "defender.blend" (I think it's called defender.blend, anyway, the one in the lowest level directory in the blend zip)

So no, you don't need blender, if you download all of it.

Oh, and the changing of this to the new system is going well, with many of the enemies back up and running. All the ship movement and such is done. Perhaps another two weeks or so work to get it back to this releases point.
(Oh, and the new version uses blender 2.6, which means I have access to pathfinding and other goodies like that)

Re: Release #3

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:43 pm
by Krom
I believe Isaac's question is because he isn't running Windows (he is using Ubuntu Linux) so the .exe file isn't an option for him. But hey, if he gets it working then you can benefit from someone testing to see how it works in Linux too. :)

Re: Release #3

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:54 pm
by sdfgeoff
URRGH Palm face, I mean, face palm...
Of course you are right Krom. Sorry about that lecture Isaac.

Yes, for defender you do need blender to run it on linux, although DEEP Space (the next one) will have (and has already) got executables for both windows and linux. Unfortunately those executables won't work with the defender data.

Linux Instructions
Get blender 2.59 (download here) You won't need to install it, just make the executable have the correct permissions to run.
Open blender, select the file "defender.blend" and then:
Press "P" on the keyboard.
Have fun.