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"Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:35 pm
by callmeslick
Last night, Mitt Romney said this not once, but four times. Anyone out there have a map handy?
Click Me.
Note: Link shortened by moderator edit.

Face it, Obama-haters, your boy has so little interest in foreign policy he cannot even get GEOGRAPHY straight. Which, when you think of it, is sort of getting to feel really George Bush-like(I'm a businessman, and all that...).What happens then is that your team of advisors takes over the policy. And, given that the same crew that advised Bush into two wars on the credit card are advising Romney, it is chilling to consider what this idiot is going to get us into.......

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:33 pm
by vision
callmeslick wrote:What happens then is that your team of advisors takes over the policy. And, given that the same crew that advised Bush into two wars on the credit card are advising Romney, it is chilling to consider what this idiot is going to get us into.......
Wow, I never thought of that. Interesting insight.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:50 pm
by Spidey
One sucks in geography, the other in math…

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:05 am
by Pandora
Well, it would provide access to another sea, wouldn't it?

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:44 am
and I'm sure that sea access has nothing to do with Israel either.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:25 am
by callmeslick
Pandora wrote:Well, it would provide access to another sea, wouldn't it?
I suppose, if Iraq and Turkey weren't in the way.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:56 am
by woodchip
Boy Slick, you really know how to step in it:

"For several months, the U.S. government has been urging the Iraqi government to stop Iran from supplying arms to the Syrian regime through commercial flights over Iraqi airspace, but a larger amount of supplies is now crossing Iraq via convoys on the ground, Iraq's exiled Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi told The Cable."

So much for Iraq being in the way. :roll:

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:51 am
by vision
I think it's totally awesome that Iraq and Iran are working together given their history. It's never too late for peace.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:24 am
by Pandora

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:49 pm
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:Boy Slick, you really know how to step in it:

"For several months, the U.S. government has been urging the Iraqi government to stop Iran from supplying arms to the Syrian regime through commercial flights over Iraqi airspace, but a larger amount of supplies is now crossing Iraq via convoys on the ground, Iraq's exiled Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi told The Cable."

So much for Iraq being in the way. :roll:

so, this makes Iran's route to the sea go through Iraq? Geez-o-pete, and you claim others 'step in it'?

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:27 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:Boy Slick, you really know how to step in it:

"For several months, the U.S. government has been urging the Iraqi government to stop Iran from supplying arms to the Syrian regime through commercial flights over Iraqi airspace, but a larger amount of supplies is now crossing Iraq via convoys on the ground, Iraq's exiled Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi told The Cable."

So much for Iraq being in the way. :roll:

so, this makes Iran's route to the sea go through Iraq? Geez-o-pete, and you claim others 'step in it'?
No, you said Iraq was "In the way". Please at least try to remember what you posted.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:28 am
by callmeslick
Iraq is in the way, Woody, and just because they choose to co-operate on some things, I suspect that the Iraqi people would have exactly ZERO interest in Iran using them as some sort of transit route on a large-scale basis. Plus, there's the matter of Turkey being in the way as well. Face it, what Romney said was idiotic, and to defend or dance around his remark equally so.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:37 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:Iraq is in the way, Woody, and just because they choose to co-operate on some things, I suspect that the Iraqi people would have exactly ZERO interest in Iran using them as some sort of transit route on a large-scale basis. Plus, there's the matter of Turkey being in the way as well. Face it, what Romney said was idiotic, and to defend or dance around his remark equally so.
Not so quick comrade. If Iraq had zero interest then Iran would not be using Iraq as a overland route to Syria. Secondly Iran is building a military base in Syria. If Iran decides to attack Israel than the distance between, how long do you think Iran will be able to use the Persian Gulf or the Gulf of Oman? Where-as with Syria, the Iranians will have a shorter hop to Israel than the distance between your waxed plugged ears. What Romney's statement shows is he was far more aware of middle eastern dynamics than Obama was after 4 years in office and not attending his national security briefings

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:55 am
by callmeslick
please, how long do you think the Israelis would allow any formative base to be built? Remember that Syrian military site that just sort of disappeared a few years back? Also, after the history between Iraq and Iran, there is a massive difference between shipping some supplies and becoming some kind of wholesale gateway. Like I said, your defense of Romneys words is idiotic. He has utterly no clue about the middle east, or, for that matter, any other issue on the international stage, and has demonstrated nothing more than a superficial interest in learning more.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:40 am
by woodchip
Is that on par with Obama's adamant apologies that a certain video was the cause of our ambassadors death? Even tho emails have come to light he knew the real reason within 2 hours. Yeah the guy sitting on the white throne is sharp as a tack.

As to the military base, it is being built so the Israeli's better put it out of it's misery pretty quick

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:46 am
by callmeslick
First, as I said to CUDA on another forum, does the possibility strike you that perhaps the US administration is smokescreening, not for political reasons, but to give cover to the CIA and others to get the perpetrators? Doesn't seem inconceivable to me, and is one of those things we will know only far down the line.
Second, could you give a link to the Syria base? Because, given all that is going on in that country, I find it both suspicious and inplausable that anyone is building much of anything, let alone a military base for ANY nation, on Syrian soil at present.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:10 am
by woodchip
As you can see money was given to start the base back in 2011.:

"Iran's government has warned the international community not to interfere in Syrian affairs. The Islamic Republic supplies Syria with arms, ammunition and military technology. In June 2011, Iran agreed to give Syria $23m to build a military base. But Iran's support, according to the Syrian opposition, goes beyond that." ... 49333.html

By the sounds of it the base will also be a port for Iranian warships to dock at

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:16 am
by callmeslick
did you misplace your reading glasses again? All Al-Jazeera states(good link, BTW) is that TWO ships docked in Syria, and mentions Iran giving Syria money to build a base SOMEWHERE(not stating where) last year, before the ★■◆● hit the fan. How you jump from that to 1)justifying Romney's ignorant comment, 2)Syria is building a base(note 'building' as in actually doing construction, not just taking money), or 3) how the base is going to be located on Syria's meager coastline is baffling, as the article does nothing to support ANY of those.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:30 am
by woodchip
Well lets put our logic hat on mmmk. Iran gives Syria money to build base. Now, do you suppose it will be built in the middle of the desert or someplace where Iran can park it's warships and base it's soldiers?

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:33 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:Well lets put our logic hat on mmmk. Iran gives Syria money to build base. Now, do you suppose it will be built in the middle of the desert or someplace where Iran can park it's warships and base it's soldiers?

well, the last one they financed(destroyed by Israel) was in the East. Climate in the region, I don't know, but likely, as you put it, in the desert.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:36 am
by woodchip
Correct me if I'm wrong but the last place Israel destroyed in Syria was a suspected nuclear facility, not a military base.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:39 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but the last place Israel destroyed in Syria was a suspected nuclear facility, not a military base.
actually, I think it was suspected to be a chemical facility, but may be wrong. Still, find me one bit of information beyond generalities as to exactly WHAT type of facility, placed where, Iran financed this time around. Looks like you're dancing, woody.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:11 am
by woodchip
No, I'm using logic instead of pulling items out of dark orifices.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:22 am
by callmeslick
if that is what passes for logic in Woody-World, so be it. :lol:

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:10 am
by Krom
I often think in "woody-world" the words for "true" and "false" are replaced with "Republican" and "Democrat" respectively. ;) :lol:

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:41 pm
by Ferno
Is this the same logic that makes everything become obama? Rainy when sun was predicted? obama's fault. Traffic accident? obama's fault. Power went out? obama's fault. Mail kinda slow? obama's fault.

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:26 am
by woodchip
I learned from the best when Bush was in office. Even today those on the left are still saying it is Bush's fault. So suck on that. :P

Re: "Syria is Iran's route to the sea"

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:29 pm
by Spidey
Short memories can be very convenient.