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Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:43 am
by Woolie_Wool
I love Descent 1's soundtrack, but I've never really enjoyed D2's either in MIDI form (there were far too few MIDIs and Dan Wentz's compositions weren't nearly as good as what he would write for FreeSpace) or on the CD (compressed, harsh, nasty production, and the music sounds like a bunch of industrial metal bands gave their studio rejects to Parallax instead of actually writing something that fit the game). Instead I always prefer the soundtrack CD to MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy: its slower, brooding tempos and alien atmosphere feel far more in tune with the bizarre, labrynthine level design and mostly incidental monster placement (rather than setpiece encounters like in Descent 1) than the original music.

To me, THIS is the Descent II soundtrack.

Re: Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:41 pm
by LightWolf
I wrote my own D2 MIDI soundtrack. I might release it if I can find a better melody for level 4.

Re: Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:14 pm
by Sirius
I generally haven't, but I rarely play with the music on anyway since it's not managed very well for multiplayer. This material does sound fairly suitable though.

Unfortunately, MW2 is one of those games I missed out on. I played 4 and its expansions several years later, but it's hard to tell how well it lived up to its predecessors. The almost military-style teamwork in the big 8v8 club matches was pretty amazing though. Yet to see anything equal it; Overwatch is somewhat close but it's much faster paced and being caught out of position isn't quite so dangerous.

Re: Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:26 pm
by Woolie_Wool
If you missed out on it, you should give it a shot today, it runs fine under DOSBox and most computers today are fast enough to emulate MW2 at 640x480 or higher.

Re: Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:07 am
by Alter-Fox
I've got a big library of songs that are related to the game or this community in some way that I occasionally play (on shuffle) when I'm playing small custom missions since both of the level 1 songs tend to get grating after a while. I generally don't mind the redbook or midi soundtracks though, except for one or two annoying songs on each. I tend to like slower paced industrial or metal and D2's redbook does really well on those sorts of tracks even if the faster ones sometimes sound derivative or uninspired.

Re: Do you use an alternate soundtrack with Descent 2?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:31 pm
by kakhome1
Well I'm not playing D2's original ATM, but did change all the musics for Vertigo, mostly using tracks from old missions that seem reasonably fitting. D2 should have had more and better music.