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Colored Messages in Game

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:59 pm
by Code
A long time ago a friend mentioned something about being able to change the colors of your messages in d1/d2 and I couldn't stop thinking about it non-stop for a while... Well, recently I started experimenting with the descent files, exploring .hog/.pig's and started learning new things, how to open certain files, and even how to use VM's/Dosbox

I found this program on an archive of and This is what showed up


At last, I found the program! All is well!

Sadly though, in this version of the program it states that it is in the aplha/beta stage of it's development and will not be able to produce colored messages, even though it is giving the option to.

Do you guys have a newer version? and If not, how do I do something like this myself?

Also, what happened to It was such a great resource for all descent related things.

Glowing regards.