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CMS Advice

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:32 am
by KompresZor
I want to install a CMS on the web site and wanted your opinions on the various programs.

The site will be for information only, so membership, forums etc will not be a concern and will most likely be turned off. It will need the ability for non-HTML people to be able to update and maintain the site.

Here is the list of systems that I can install from cPanel.
  • Drupal
  • Geeklog
  • Mambo Open Source
  • PHP-Nuke
  • phpWCMS
  • phpWebSite
  • Post-Nuke
  • Siteframe
  • TYPO3
  • Xoops
One of my biggest concerns is security. The first CMS I thought of was either Post-Nuke or PHP-Nuke, but, since these are the most widely used I feel they are the most open to attack ( am I wrong? )

I have been checking them out and I hear that Mambo is a pretty good one but I'm not sure if I like the interface. Right now I'm leaning toward phpWebSite as it has a calender and that is something we need.

Any input you can offer would be appreciated.